The Adventures of Tintin
The Adventures of Tintin
TV-Y | 02 October 1991 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    rh86 Probably the best screen adaption of Belgium's most famous reporter, Adventures of Tintin stays faithful to the spirit and stories of original comics. The stories themselves make for brilliant adventures whether it's finding buried treasure, going to the Moon or venturing to a far off land.The animation is also of very good quality and considering that it was made on a TV budget back in 1991 is actually quite ahead of it's time, for example 'Explorers on the Moon' has one of the earliest of 3D cartoon animation. These shows will appeal to all ages and everyone is bound to have a favourite out of the various crazy characters, whether it's old sea dog Captain Haddock, the brilliant but hard of hearing Professor Calculus or even Tintin himself (not forgetting Snowy).
    robted Sorry, but you're wrong. The 'Moon mission' sub-plot, finding the Inca temple, and the mission to the Metorite in the Arctic? Solving crimes, I think not! Best thing you can do is read the books, man! Sample plots(not in chronological order): 1) Picaros- A little adventure during a coup with Gen. Alcazar. 2) Moon sub-plot: The moon mission and the attempts to sabotage it. 3) Incas: The disappearance of Claculus, resulting in the discovery of the last remaining Inca temple! 4) The Calculus affair: Another adventure in Syldavia, following on(I think) from King Ottakar's Sceptre. 4) The 'Red Rackham' sub-plot. A story of the hunt for a pirate's treasure, which Captain Haddock's ancestor recovered.
    Jackson Booth-Millard A bit of a boring young man, but quite a good cartoon based in the second world war. Tintin is a reporter looking for stories and always thinking of his friends. His friends are the very good Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus (who just loves his umbrella), and twin Detectives Thompson and Thomson. Tintin has many interesting and dangerous adventures with his cute dog Snowy. These include episodes with tanks, speeding trains, boats, rock climbing and many more. But it's Captain Haddock that stole the show for me. With his good voice, sometimes selfish, helpful to Tintin, and a lot of ways to make you laugh. It was number 77 on The 100 Greatest Cartoons. Good!
    simon-trek I can't imagine Tintin or any other characters from the Tintin books played by actors, I just think it would botch up the characters. I can only imagine them either as comic book characters or cartoon characters. This Tintin cartoon series is as close as you could possibly get to the Tintin comic books. The characters all look and sound exactly as they do in the comic books. Each episode of the Tintin cartoon (either one or two part episodes) has basically the same story as in each of the Tintin books. Not just the same story, the same characters the same settings even some of the same quotes. I've enjoyed the Tintin cartoonseries as well as the Tintin books ever since I was a child. Tintin is basically meant for children but a number of adults like Tintin as well. Some episodes of the Tintin cartoon have been available on video but I wish all the entire series was available on DVD.For those who aren't familiar with Tintin, the main characters in the Tintin saga isn't just Tintin the intrepid reporter and adventurer and his clever little dog Snowy. Tintin has friends who are often with him on his adventures. Theyinclude Captain Haddock the grumpy sailor, Professor Cusburt Calculous agenius scientist but at the same time a rather stupid person, and Thompson and Thomson the clumsy detective twins. Captain Haddock is a rather bad tempered seaman, most likely because hedrinks too much whiskey. He often uses exclamations like "BlisteringBarnacles!" or "Thundering Typhoons!" or if he was really outraged or amazedhe would say "Billions of blistering blue barnacles!" or "Ten thousandthundering typhoons!" Professor Calculous is an amazing inventor. He's invented some amazingthings for example a "shark-proof submarine", a drug which makes alcoholicdrinks taste disgusting to cure alcoholic addicted people and a rocket ship to travel to the moon. But he's also rather stupid because he's deaf and alwaysmiss hears what people say. He also ignores non-verbal communication andpretends that he doesn't understand how angry Captain Haddock is which really drives him mad. Thompson and Thomson or "the Thompson's" as they're usually called are bothrather stupid detectives and often have clumsy accidents. One of theThompson's is often saying "to be precise" correcting the other Thompson andsince they're identical twins and always wear the same clothing you've no idea which Thompson it is. They think they're the worlds best detectives but Tintin always proves to be a much better detective then they'll ever be. So the the Tintin saga is more than just great adventure and detective stories for children but also a combination of rather humorous characters which will delight audiences of all ages.