The 1/2 Hour News Hour
The 1/2 Hour News Hour
| 18 February 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    SirAndrew I must say, this show is some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a long time.While the pilots were good, the series so far has just been getting better and better.They've featured skits on the ACLU (some of my favorite), sexual harassment, feminism, and even cameos by Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham.Now, I will admit that the show does contain conservative humor and satire. Liberals may not get the humor and be offended by its sometimes off-the-wall and politically incorrect humor.But we should be able to laugh at ourselves one in a while, shouldn't we?
    brocious One of the funniest parody shows on T.V. It's what SNL used to be! I know the lefties won't like it because it makes fun of them! I guess the lefties only like shows that make fun of the right. I love it when Rush plays the president. Wouldn't that be great? Ann Coulter as VP? Now, that had to drive the libs nuts. With some of the comments I've read, it did! I bet if they made fun of republicans or the religious right or republicans, they'd love it! Rush and Coulter played their parts with deadpan humor. I've seen the first two episodes of the new season. They were great! And, oh no, Rush played the president again! Anyway, I'm hoping the fantastic writing will keep up and they won't go soft like SNL have. Now, there's a show that's gone downhill! Way to go Fox News for having such an exciting and very funny show!
    babcl Most of this show is laugh out loud funny. Who cares if there is a laugh track, it just makes the show funnier. It is good to have a comedy to watch where the main joke is not the President. Thanks to good ratings, it now has a full season to entertain.It's great the the actors are not easily recognizable. It gives the show the 'local news' type of feel. And, unlike an earlier reviewer, I found the "BO magazine" skit to be fall down funny. I'll bet even Mr. Obama laughed. American television has too long been run by those with a liberal mindset. It's good to see the other side, and I'll keep watching.
    One_who_knocks It's funny how people on the left cannot enjoy humor that lampoons them. I watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and think they're hilarious. I know full well that neither Stewart or Colbert are in my corner, but they are funny - even when what they do slams me or my views. Y'all on the left need to learn how to lighten up. It's obviously bad for your health if you're verping.On to the review. I didn't really notice the laugh track as being overbearing. Hmmm, the credits shows an audience warm-up guy. Could it be that actual live human beings were laughing at the jokes? I was laughing. They were laughing. Obviously some people find the jokes funny. So basically it may not be your kind of humor. Find the remote, there you go, now change the channel.The two co-hosts are okay; they're not on the same level as Stewart/Colbert, but they'll do. It's the first show. Give them a chance to find their groove. I hope this doesn't get canceled, it's only going to get better.