| 02 August 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    sandracolton I loved this show. It got buried during the dog days of summer but Entertainment Weekly raved about it. So I tried it out and was hooked. Funny, smart and also sweet. The lead Father was sexy and terrific. How can a smart satire on early America not last but Jim Belushi stays on season after season? Grrrr. Why doesn't CBS show THANKS every Thanksgiving? I bet tons of people would watch it.We were going through an old VCR tape and I came across the tobacco episode. I showed it to some friends and they were howling. That's what made me think of it recently and I wanted to look up the name of the lead actor. Glad to see there are others who appreciate smart comedy. God Bless THANKS!
    miooolre A friend of mine tapes EVERYTHING and one night he told me Cloris Leachman had been in this weird funny twisted sitcom about Early America and he looked through his video collection and showed me the first three episodes. I cant believe this show isn't more well known - it was soooo funny and Leachman is great in it (as is the rest of the cast). The satire and dark humor reminded me of The Simpsons and the show where the whole town of Plymouth gets hooked on tobacco was laugh out loud funny. I guess it was on CBS one summer but man, this thing should have been given a chance. Now I'm determined to track down the last three! CBS - DVD release??
    tinoynk I am an 8th grader and in my social studies we were studying the early english in america. My social studies teacher being the movie/tv nut he is, showed us the pilot episode. It was hilarious. It's such a shame it got cancelled.
    Leikela4 This show was a relief for anyone that was stuck at home during the summer watching reruns. It is a comedy about a pioneer family in the New World. It should have been a normal show during the regular season because I've seen the adds for the other new shows and they don't even compare to this.