Terry and June
Terry and June
| 24 October 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    glenn-aylett For our younger readers, Terry and June was a fairly popular eighties sitcom about a middle aged, middle class couple who live in the suburbs. ( This type of sitcom was very common 30 years ago). June Whitfield played June and the late Terry Scott played Terry.A lot of the time Terry and June was typical of the middle class sitcoms of the time, safe, conservative and often not very funny. However, when the scriptwriter experimented, the show went from being dull and unfunny to totally surreal and very amusing. Stand out episodes among a lot of dross are the one with the barbecue and the awful beefburgers, which end up going round a record player for some reason, the one where Terry stands as a Tory MP, the one where Terry and June go on local radio and destroy the studio and the one where they go to France on a day trip. It's just a shame the really funny episodes were balanced out by some total dross.However, one thing is outstanding all the way through, the killer theme tune which always comes to mind when you think of the show.
    patherwill I can remember both of these actors long before they started in this series but Terry and June was the one that really cemented their relationship on TV and many people thought of them as a REAL couple, so well did they bond together in front of the camera.OK,the scripts may NOT have been mind-blowing thus NOT over-stretching the talents of the two experienced actors but that said the shows ratings were high season after season while it was shown which is more than can be said for a lot of the "alternative-style-comedians" which have been mentioned by other reviewers.Also it is an absolute certainty that NO letters of complaint with regard to either the shows content or spoken material was received at the BBC which again is in contrast to most of the aforementioned alternative comedians so favoured by many of todays young audiences?These shows may be regarded by many as "fuddy-duddy" for want of a better term BUT look carefully and see how good comedy was really done, without the necessity of swearing or reference to body-parts or bodily functions to TRY to get a laugh!
    robert-davidson-2 The boss is called Sir Dennis, the boss's wife is called Mrs Sir Dennis, they come round for a dinner party and the meal is ruined but this needs covering up and an alternative found, the vicar pops rounds, the neighbours are always outdoing each other, they get lost in the car on the way to holiday, terry forgets birthdays and anniversaries.I have nothing against dated sitcoms, some are very good but comedy moves on for a reason and this is it. If the above premise make you laugh then its great fun. If it doesn't, well there's little more to add. The main missing for me was the grown up children popping in with family problems, that would have made it complete.
    ian1000 This cosy middle class sitcom became the subject of much hatred by the new breed of talented comedians in the 1980s, such as Ben Elton. Did it deserve such malice? Well Terry and June was never clever, it was never a well-written tale with different threads which intersect at the conclusion. It was the show your mother and father and probably grandparents watched. They chuckled rather than laughed, but they were never likely to be offended by the show, so the fact that it never challenged them was immaterial.One Foot In The Grave suffered initially because it appeared at first sight to be just another Terry and June.A few days after the death of Terry Scott an episode was broadcast on terrestrial TV, and that has been its final outing. There have been few repeats of the show on any TV channel.Thankfully TV comedy has advanced since Terry and June. It's hard to find kind words for it - Terry Scott did make the best of weak scripts.