Tekkaman Blade
Tekkaman Blade
| 25 February 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    hellraiser7 What always appeals to me about superhero sagas are the humanity of the superhero, who the person behind the mask and powers are. This was another on the animes I've seen as a kid and it's still one of my personal favorites and one of my favorite TV shows in general.It's true on the surface it's a typical alien invasion plot, however what makes this show unique is that it's not entirely concerned or driven by it's plot, even though it does intriguingly develop. It's really more concerned about the characters and what they do and how they feel.The show has a lot of great things from animation which is very smooth and beautiful personally I think it still holds up (in my opinion anyway). Everything from the detail of the movement, the Radam creatures that look similar to the Arachnids in "Starship Troopers",the people that look more human their not odd looking or anything, down to their facial expressions were fluid, and most impressive was the detail on the Tekkamen really showed how far it was advancing to the anime we have today. The action is great and violent, you will see bits of gore, innocent people get killed sometimes, good guys can get seriously hurt which can affect their physical performance, but I really loved how well choreographed the Tekkaman Battle were the weapons they wielded and how they use them is beautiful and fluid. And the music in the show is great is great I really love the theme song from the First Season to me that's one of my favorite anime themes ever.One of the things I love about the show is how it solved that fundamental problem some anime programs at the time had in there story structure, where even though they had a set plot they tend to drift away from it for a while which does cause a little slowdown in advancing; not that it was completely bad it's a common thing that can create some creative freedom and good stand alone episodes if possible but no denying it goes on more than necessary. This show though hardly has much of that because it's focus it tight it's always keeping it's eye on the ball which makes most episodes important there is always a significant development going on within an episode you can't afford to miss; it's that principle with a novel each chapter and page is always important. This is a structure that's in current TV shows like "Battlestar Galactica" (revival version), "Lost", "The Walking Dead", and the criminally underrated "Falling Skies".Part of what made the show unique was that it dealt with subjects not touched on much which are dealing with loss, the problems with physical ailment, and the beauty and difficulty of loving another person.What is most memorable though to me are the characters just the humanity in them and the depth and development of some of them it's easy to forget their animated. Mainly it's the main characters D-Boy/Tekkaman Blade and significant other Aki. Both of them are another of my favorite anime couples because of their believability and are emotionally involving. D-Boy to me is a superhero you feel heavy pathos for because he's the most emotionally hurt as well as physically making him all the more tragic and painfully human. Like most superheroes their usually driven most of the time by something robbed or lost form them, Spider Man his uncle, Batman his parents, Punisher his wife and two children. D-Boy/Tekkaman it's his family and a few friends with them, they've all been taken over by the Radam turned much like with the aliens from the sci-fi horror movie "Body Snatchers", which makes the emotional weight all the more heavier and makes you feel all the more bad for this guy because things to get sadder and darker for him like the fact that we discover further along the line his own superpower is also his weakness. If he's Tekkaman too long he'll lose his humanity becoming a slave to the Radam or when he's in Blaster Mode it caused tissue and brain damage to his cells which makes him lose his memory, sort of like Alsimers disease. Thsi makes us all the more concerned for him in most superhero stories all superheroes always have a physical Achillies heel but there's always a safety catch which makes us not worry so much but for him we're given no guarantees, we're worried these weaknesses could destroy him if he continues, and I found myself concerned about his life hoping to god those things don't happen.Aki is a great significant other she is a strong willed fierce but warm hearted person. The emotion we see form her when both D-Boy and her interact is believably sweet and sometimes painful. One of my favorite touching moments was when Aki tells D-Boy to give those minutes he has to be Tekkaman to her, let alone the physical position and how they looked at one another, at that point it was obviously they love each other. These things made me care and put me in constant suspense hoping they will make progress, let alone kiss and have sex which they do.There are a lot of memorable moments and episode arcs like one which is one of my favorite anime episode arcs on D-Boy's young sister Milki/Tekkaman Saber the ending of it I'll admit mad me tear up.Tekkaman Blade is powered with action but cuts deep with emotion because it's armor is driven by a powered human heart.Rating: 4 stars
    Timothy McKann When I watch this:When I first started watching this series on television,I have to say that this show was awesome. I got to see some of the episodes,and they were great. I was disappointed when they took the show off the air.I had to watch it again. But when I learned that Media Blasters was going to release it on DVD.I had to get my hands on it,and I did. But when I bought this series on DVD,it had the same episodes that were seen on television.Characters:The characters that I liked in the show are:Blade,Shara,Balzac,and Teknobot aka Pegus,and Ringo.Another thing I want to mention that in the TV Version of Teknoman,the main character who becomes Teknoman was named Slade. But it was cool to have the main character being named Blade,instead of Slade. Another character that had a different name in the show was Dagger.In the TV Version,he was known as Gunner. But Dagger is a better name in the DVD version. Another thing about the series,is the character in the TV version of Teknoman have the same lines as the DVD version.Quotes: Another thing that I liked about this show are the lines that the characters say,and here are some that will make you laugh,(Friend or Foe episode)STAR:I THINK ID RATHER MARRY A SPIDERCRAB! RINGO:YA..WELL THE NEXT TIME I RUN INTO ONE OF THEM,ALL ASK IT TO SEND OVER SOME CANDY AND FLOWERS.OH WELL...SO MUCH FOR THE GARDEN OF EDEN IDEA.YOUR LOSS!(Bold Soldier boy episode) BLADE: Pegas, attack mode. I'm glad you're named after a flying horse. PEGAS: Why? BLADE: You talk as well as you fly. They could have named you Mr. Ed. (Axe Trap Episode) Maggie: Hey, great hunter. It's obvious we should have been on foot from the very beginning. Ringo: Why didn't you suggest it, then? Balzac: Now, now children. Stop arguing and I'll buy you some ice cream. Maggie: Oh, goody goody goody. (Sword Strike Episode) Ringo: Eighth floor, notions and lingerie. Star: Ringo, put a cork in it. (Beginning of the End Episode)Balzac: Did you pack us a lunch? Mac: Silly me, I forgot. Tina: Your Teknosuits and counter-flux polarizer are on board. Ringo: Right. Balzac: A grilled cheese sandwich and crackers would have been nice, you know, some little thing we could nibble on. I'm starving. Jamison: I'll have a big juicy steak waiting for you when you get back. Meanwhile, the fate of the world is a bit more important that your stomach, so get to work. Sad part: I think the most saddest parts in the series was the death of Blade's Sister,Shara. It was a shame that we only get to see her in some of the episodes,and it was sad to see her die after being killed by Saber. And I also feel sad to see Balzac taking his own life to kill Teknoman Sword. The voice cast: The series features the great voice talents of Barbara Goodson,Bob Bergen,Kerrigan Mahan,Tom Wyner,Julie Maddalena,Michael Forest, Michael McConnohie (famous for Transformers,and Vampire Hunter D), Michael Reynolds,Richard Epcar (famous for Fushigi Yugi),Simon Prescott,Wendee Lee ,and others.So in closing ,if you like the series,and plan to collect it.Then this is the one. You will see what I mean,and then see Tekkaman Blade II.
    The_Dinosaur When I was a kid I used to love this series and I Got some old tapes of it and watched them and I realised how good it actually was.This is a excellent series and is worth a watch for all anime fans. The story is more deep than most people who have seen it will give it credit. It is about earth in the year 2084 and how it is being invaded by aliens.The only person who can stop them is Blade who was given the ability to change into a teknoman by the same aliens who are invading earth. He was going to be a part of their army but his father saved him before he was brainwashed by them and now he is the only person who can stop the aliens.This is a truly emotional series, because the main character Blade is put through so many trials in his life like having to kill his own brothers and watching his father and sisters die and losing his memory, and his body deteriorating. A must watch for anime fans.
    emmaoneill750 I found this series/movie by accident, and delightfully, remembered back to childhood-early mornings spent watching this. Being prepared to be heartily disillusioned, I sat down for a half hour to watch the first parts...great Lord what an eye opener it was! The quality of the animation isn't the greatest or the sharpest, with exception given to the amazing detail done on the Tekkaman suits of armour, and the English dubbed versions (both the UK one and the American one) are a little poor, compared to the Japanese version...But all of that gets blown away in a hurry as the story unfolds into a beautifully saddening tale, so completely unexpected. For an animation, the dramatic element is a genuine surprise. The general plot is: Earth was invaded my a horde of aliens, being commanded by a group of evil Tekkaman, or Teknomen, in the Westernised versions, whose aim is to turn Earth into a breeding ground for their kind, and have already succeeded in covering the surface of the planet with 'spore trees'. With much of the human race decsimated from the attacks, both from the 'spider crab aliens' and from Earth's now lost Space Ring (think the rings of Saturn, only man made), it is up to the 'Space Knights' and a renegade tekkaman called 'Blade' to defend the Earth, and win back the planet.I recommend taking the time to checking this out. It's well worth the effort, believe me!
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