Sullivan & Son
Sullivan & Son
| 19 July 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    kendrat199-722-128370 I grew up on Cheers and Sullivan and Son seems like a failed attempt at that. The only focal point is centered on what's going on in the bar, the character that's always there until closing, the dim-witted character, the guy that knows everything, etc). It has all the makings of Cheers without any of the pizazz and well-thought out characterization.This show would be fine if it was a carbon-copy because Cheers is an iconic show and having a modern version would be great, but there's something severely lacking in this rendition. It's either the fact that we have to be reminded of Steve Byrne's biracial identity (literally each episode, the mother or father will say, "oh but you're half"), the flat punchline, the obnoxious laugh track, or the bad line delivery/bad timing that make this show mediocre at best. Bad timing especially is the show's weakest link. With other shows you get to know the characters and so when they're suddenly forced into a new situation, it's hilarious because it's so alien. In this show however, they skim the surface of every character and then force them into a situation as if we've known them for years (for example, Owen, the not-so bright character does these amazing things when the bar closes down, but it happens all in one episode. It'd be more witty and satisfying for the audience to see him in each episode come in in different attire. Like, one day he's dressed in a suit and says, "I work for the bank now." or another day he's a post-man, another he's working at the homeless shelter, etc. While I appreciate a show that has an interracial setting (the first of its kind, I think), the script seems rehashed and flat.
    SanteeFats I can not figure out why this show only gets 5.7 from reviewers. I think this is one hilarious series. Steve Byrne is great as the son. He delivers his lines like he was still doing his comedy routine. He is really funny. The customers are really humorous. The insensitive white racist who doesn't seem to know he is being racist. There is a diverse mix of ethnicities that are regular customers. The give and take between these customers gets very funny. I love the mom with her cold, serious face she shows to the world but she does care for her family, possibly. I am waiting too see if they allow the relationship to develop between Steve and the EMT. It could enhance this series if done right.
    OptimusPrime2 I really wanted to like this show. I am a fan of Steve Bryne. He is a very funny guy if you have not seen his stand up check it out on youtube...but I just could not get into the show. I gave it three episodes and gave up. Here is the problem with this show the writers are missing the second act. There should be a first act, a second act, and a third act but with Sullivan and Son there is no second act. They completely skip it sometimes there is not even a third act. For example there was an episode with Steve's best friend where the bar is shut down and he goes off to get a real job. This could be interesting if you actually see him actually working and trying to be a real adult but you really don't see any of that. This is pretty much what happen... hey guys I have a real job now and end of the show hey guys that job was not for me......whats the point of even having that as a storyline if you are going to go in detail with it. Just so you can use it to have a few semi funny one liners? The show does not do enough or involve you enough with the characters and the story for you to enjoy the show.
    Katie Kasten You should give this show a chance. There are harsh critics, yes, there are those who are downright haters, but they are not me and doubtfully, you! I know that some say that it reminds them of Cheers, even calling it a Cheers ripoff, but this is a new decade and many that will love it never even knew Cheers! Besides, I love it, and Cheers was a TV icon so what would be wrong with that?! It is a very decent show! I love when new shows are funny! Give it a try, you might love it, too! Pittsburgh, where this show is produced, is a very underrated city, at times. They have a fantastic city to share with the world. TBS is giving the USA an opportunity to see some of what Pittsburgh has to offer. Watch it and see for yourself.