NR | 25 June 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    asaloverboy7 It's a wonderful series with connecting stories to the episodes if you look for them. Especially Lo the owners daughter who is force to work for the summer struggles with her attempts to earn her father's faith to regain her spot in the penthouse. We got a nice variety of character personalities from the stress out to the totally silly and clueless like Emma never realizing how much Johnny care for her. It's the groms vs. managers as they try to stick it to one another while trying to find time outside work to catch the perfect waves. Beside the main characters we also have lots of co starring guests who repeating show up throughout the season as well as minor staff members who pop up now and then for comedy support of the main characters.
    Davis-kevin028 This show was simply amazing. It inspired me to pick up surfing as a hobby and introduced me to my teen life. The humor was alright and made me grin a couple times. The storyline was very interesting by showing a spoiled child the value of a dollar and how to be independent by budgeting and spending your own money instead of daddy's. The show also teaches you that friends can be found and made every where. This show displayed that in full content. Six teenagers who are complete strangers and only have surfing in common become close friends. Not to mention they all live together. This is more than a regular teen show. Its the ideal teen show because it entertains and teaches real life lessons. However, the length that the show has been off the air has lead me to believe that it has been cancelled. This is only a believe. But, if it is true and you the fans indeed like and appreciate this show, help me start a petition to get it back on the air.
    marshm62 From the Creators of both Canadian cartoons 6teen, and Total Drama brings you Stoked. The show centers around six teenagers who work at a fancy resort near a beach for the entire summer. The Plots are decent, Most of the Episodes are pretty much funny and entertaining, the voice acting is also good. The Characters are hilarious in so many ways. And the Animation has such a unique way of making 2d art something to appreciate. Overall 8/10 for the having such amazing art, and funny charactersBottom Line: If you wanna watch Stoked, go ahead change to it the channel that it's on right nowIf you hate it then don't bother watching it because of you thinking that it's stupid or something
    mitch_h-0001 As a teenager myself, it seems appropriate that i rate this better than most would. I've heard that its a friends knock off and extremely predictable but i actually found it to be okay. Granted, it didn't make me laugh but there was some crude humor that i found myself grinning at. Again, I'm a bit younger so I haven't seen all the older shows that this supposedly "ripping off," but some of the things are rather cliché to say the least.However, the relaxed scenes of just the Groms surfing in the ocean are calming.As for the music, yeah, it gets kind of annoying, but its not like they play the tracks for long. 30-50 secs maybe. But as a BIG All Time Low fan, i really liked the first episode.Overall, it was okay, a fun show to watch when you're feeling relaxed, and mostly just because I really wish i could be in the ocean surfing.6 teenage Bummer-dodgers out of 10. :D