Star Trek: Renegades
Star Trek: Renegades
| 01 August 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
    Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Dan Daglow Some things were out of place for a 24th century civilization. The uniforms did not fit. No one (including the hologram) shaved. Glasses? Did anyone look in the mirror while putting on make-up? The plot reminded me of a Chinese western. The background music, oh, please turn it off.However, the cast of characters, were good to see. I hope they are in the next star trek movie or TV program (and there should be another one, soon). The film was high quality. Next time call me; I work for food.All in all, In my opinion, the story was not engaging. the only thing that made it watchable for me is: I am a fan!
    Thomas Solway This is the problem with unaffiliated projects doing Star Trek, the end result is drivel like this. The production values are low budget cable TV level, which you could forgive if the acting wasn't also painful to watch. Apparently, the Federation council, Starfleet Command, and all of starfleet's officers have somehow become useless prigs, and only Section 31 has the moral authority to save the universe. Yes, Section 31, the amoral arm of the federation, is the moral authority now, that should tell you all you need to know. They will do this with a band of criminals that in classic Hollywood fashion will immediately become good guys and somehow save the day. Don't bother watching this, and certainly don't give them any more money to produce more of this filth. Let's await Axanar, which if the trailer is any indication, will be significantly better.
    bacchae2 Yes, yes, problems with the script, direction, editing, acting. All of that. Not that bad for something to watch free on You Tube, however. But, damn, that was Sean Young?! Did NOT recognize her for a single second. Until I saw the closing cast list. I thought that character was being played by some amateur fan chick you'd seen at a con! A long way from Blade Runner for her and from Terminator for Furlong. I haven't seen the Abrams films, much-maligned by many long-time Trek fans. His usual arrogance and pedantry and smugness and dissing of Trek which he never watched totally put me off of seeing them. As for the writers of those big screen action fests--those are the same two who ruined the fifth season of Xena with their warmed over Hercules scripts. I'm going to watch the original Star Trek series on Me-TV right now. Those were the days.
    samgreer-694-680740 Days of our Lives plus V (the crappy '80s TV series) = this abomination. San Fran looks like a scene out of V 1984 in this movie. Is there a protagonist? Antagonist? IDK. Too many characters, too little plot. They boldly went where no one wanted to go. I never thought I'd be yearning for Chris Pine, but then I didn't think the bar for this franchise could be lowered any further. I guess this is like a 90 minute episode of that "Next Generation" garbage? Don't know exactly because I can't watch that show - it's so awful. This is equally horrible, so its probably pretty close. I'd love to tell you how it ended, but I didn't make it that far. I have no desire to know, you won't either. You'll be looking to transport out of this disaster.