Spun Out
Spun Out
| 06 March 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
    Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
    Cleavant Derricks Someone said this show is a turkey and that is the perfect word for it. It just seems appropriate to call this show a turkey. Or maybe a lemon. Nothing to see here. Just a terribly written show where the stories and characters are nonsense and none of the jokes even come within a whiff of being funny, even in a "ha ha these dad jokes are so bad it's kind of funny" kind of way. The acting is also terrible by everyone including David Foley. We shouldn't give him a pass in this just because he was in Kids in the Hall. You can see them differently. He was great in other things but this show is garbage, he and everyone else are all garbage in it. Three stars because I have seen worse shows believe it or not.
    Maximus Kingman but the show is finally off the air. If you're looking at the reviews that just give glowing reports of this show, they're fake. It wasn't funny, admit it and stop being so arrogant.I call CTV a network with more money than brains. They have good buyers of other people's successful shows, but can't put something compelling by themselves.It's not my career or money that's wasted, and it's not my legacy of producing nothing of real note. Guys like Norman Lear can look at a highly successful career, not whoever put this together.it's arrogance plain and simple.
    Jodie Pieters Nothing about this show is even one bit funny, not even unintentionally funny because it is so poorly produced, poorly acted, poorly written and just plain bad.The actors are all terrible and deliver the lines terribly but maybe they just realize none of this matters because the show is so bad they have no hope anyway.The writing is terrible with every single joke being either stupid, awful and unfunny or so predictable you already know it's coming and usually both of those things.The directing and producing are terrible with the show unbelievably unfunny, predictable like I said, super stupid and unbelievably plots, and a laugh track that is so obnoxious and desperate to try to convince us that this crap is funny that it actually gave me nausea and made me angry.Why is something this bad on TV?I give it 3 and the only reason I don't give it a 1 is that I love Dave Foley and he is not bad in this. Otherwise I would be trying to vote zero or even negative numbers
    franker79 Spun Out is funny and definitely worth giving a chance. Some people complain about the "laugh track", but having been to the live tapings as a member of the studio audience for multiple episodes I can honestly say that the show is genuinely funny. Also, Gordon (Darcy Michael) has me laughing every time he speaks, his delivery is hilarious. Like any new sitcom the first few episodes are always the toughest for anyone to really get into because we haven't had a chance to get to know the characters yet, and neither have the writers. Having said that, Spun Out has shown that it can be funny right off the start, which leads me to believe that as we (and the writers) get to know the characters better the show will only get better.
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