Spaceballs: The Animated Series
Spaceballs: The Animated Series
TV-PG | 21 November 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Daniel James Cailin Within 3 minutes of the first episode I was so horrified I had to immediately switch it off and delete it. Far from a continuation of the beloved cult classic, this abomination is nothing more than a platform for big boobs and masturbation jokes. They managed to pack more misogyny into 3 minutes than most cartoons do in a season. There is a reason I hadn't heard of this show until now - it deserves to be forgotten. How the late Joan Rivers could put her name to this is beyond me. How Mel Brooks thought this train wreck would be a good follow up to the Spaceballs legacy is equally baffling. An atrocity in every sense of the word. Even though I got it for free, I feel like I should be entitled to a refund.
    Foxfier Where it's funny, it's not original; where it's original, it's not funny. Most of the time that it's not original, it's not funny, either.My husband and I watched this and about half way through the second episode, the only thing we could think of that could explain how horribly flat and unfunny it is was a theory that it was some sort of animated storyboard, and they'd done this to get the idea across before the movie was made.That is honestly how I found this page-- words can't convey my shock that the cartoon was made this recently!Put down the DVD, go grab the movie-- or stream it on netflix, of whatever-- and save yourself the time.Even my husband, who is expert at enjoying horrible movies, couldn't stand this.
    budisma420 I have to say that I was iffy about a Spaceballs cartoon, much less a flash one at that, but after the 1st episode I've become addicted!!! I love the original film, and hope that this series is laying the ground work for Spaceballs II: The Quest for more money! I like the fact that the series parodies more than just Star Wars, though it still does, see "Return of the Sithee" if you doubt it, but it works! I am disappointed that the show didn't get enough publicity. I just found out that it actually was made, after reading rumors about a new movie/cartoon for years and never seeing any progress. I'm not even sure if it did get aired or what channel it would have come on. Nonetheless, I am glad it exists..but if people want to prevent a new movie from being made, citing the poor rating of this series, I think they should realize had there been proper promoting for the series, it would most likely still be on the air. Good stuff! It's great to see that Mel Brooks still has it! Keep it up!
    ARTaylor I used to watch shows like Beetlejuice, Real Ghostbusters, and even that lousy Mummy show. Sure none of them used the movie's actors, recycled some jokes, and were pale imitations of the movies they were based on.That least they did not try to literally recreate its source. They expanded on, and sometimes alluded to, the movie. And at least those shows were meant for children.This show, however, is by far worse. I don't know who this one's meant for. It's too adult for kids and too stupid for adults.I had high hopes too. Great movie. Mel Brooks coming back. Plenty to draw on thanks to Star Wars Clone Wars.The most noticeable problem is the voice acting. Sure you got three actors returning from the film. However, none of them seem all that interested and their acting falls flat. The rest are just lousy. Those other shows at least got voice actors who sounded like the movie's but weren't just imitating, these are just trying to be the movie characters.Why is Rino Romano even getting lead roles in series? Didn't anybody watch Spider-Man Unlimited or The Batman before hiring him? This man has no range. He's so blah.It started off with a whimper by simply trying to quickly recreate the movie. Turning classic gags into such brief moments that no one can care about. Why not just start off after the movie like those other series? And none of the jokes were funny. I can still watch the movie and laugh out loud. With this show I was wincing as they said the same exact thing. No one seems to have good comedic timing. Lorenzo Music may not have been Bill Murray but at least he had comedic timing.The animation looks like some flash video that some kid posted on some website. They really couldn't get anything better in this day and age?Fans of the movie, skip this show. Haven't seen the movie, skip this show and watch the movie. Unless they undergo some drastic changes this show is going to disappear quickly and quietly. Not that I'll be missing it.