Space Academy
Space Academy
| 10 September 1977 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    lenpreston I recall the show "Star Legend" where a young lady named "Gina" was questioning the competence of Gampu, and actually managed to make the old guy doubt himself.She also insisted that they could get "all the Zoleum we need" by ignoring Gampu's warnings and doing it her way. So, in violation of orders, Gina just opens that Zoleum collector wide open. After doing so, she lounges like a slinky cat on a lounge chair and takes a cat nap.(Sexy little thing, that Gina!) Anyway, she is overcome by Zoleum fumes and Gampu has to put on the old spacesuit and pull her out of there, saving her life. After she regains consciousness, she realizes how wrong she has been and apologizes.That Gina filled this young kids head with some fetching fantasies, let me tell you. Now where do I order that sucker?
    orangegreenknight1927 SPACE ACADEMY was a franchise that was designed to capitalize off of STAR WARS and the late 1970's science fiction explosion. The program was about teens in space training for duty in space only to get caught up with JAMES DOOHAN and the evil Doctor smith from LOST IN SPACE in intergalactic adventures and hijinks. Some of the sets and vehicles would be reused later on JASON OF STAR COMMAND to save money. The show was harmless family adventure fluff and was popular during it's run. The show was live action and not animated spomething no longer done in childrens shows as much anymore. I watched it as a kid, I liked it.
    StudlyDR I had just been introduced to 'Lost In Space' not to many years earlier {our Portland, Ore. ABC affiliate station aired the Lost in Space series around the mid 1970's. (I think it started showing the series around 1973 or '74)}When Space Acadamy came along and was airied in the Saturday morning time slot along with other cartoon and kid shows. I think the ABC station in Portland had just stopped showing the 'Lost in Space' series a year or two earlier and I had given up hope of seeing it comeback when along came Space Acadamy. Although I thought the series was a little corny at times (It could've been a really good series if the writers/people in charge had spent a little more time with the stories and/or developed the (Acadamy) series and/or characters a little further). The potential was definately there. I was very grateful to see Jonathan Harris once again, and this time the show he was on wasn't an older TV series that was in reruns, but a current one that was still in production; when I first saw it. It would have been really great if maybe some, if not all, of the cast members from 'Lost in Space', could have made a few guest appearences, and maybe even one or more of them, join the series* to help Jonathan guide the cadets. I was so glad to see Jonathan Harris again and wish things had went much better for the 'Space Academy' series and Jonathan Harris. By John B{oy}
    Jason-173 If there was one show I wish I could see again, it's this one. This one, and maybe the time that dog took a crap in our back yard while hopping on one leg.Synopsis: A group of high school kids run missions to save stalled freighters, starving aliens or to get groceries. All the while learning about readin', 'ritin, 'rithmatic, love, friendship, and why it's not a good idea to go in a dark cave on a distant planet without a sidearm.The Space Academy shuttles were shaped like the Pink Pearl erasers we were issued at my school each September. I would usually spend my mornings flying the eraser between desks, landing on strange and exotic textbooks, and confronting hostile alien pencils.The great Pam Ferdyn starred in this show, and seemingly everything else in those days (It seemed like Ike Eisenmann was in everything too). Unfortunately, the best actor on the show, 'Peepo' failed to find work after Space Academy. Whatever happened to 'Peepo?' Or, as I liked to call him, 'Peepoo.'