South Beach Tow
South Beach Tow
| 20 July 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    Blue_Jay_Way The scumbags and degenerates of South Beach Towing have been verbally and physically abusing innocent parking victims for years. These folks are the scum of the earth. They are nasty vile and evil people. I was amazed to see this crap on TV, and that Jennifer Lopez is involved in promoting these criminals. They are most or all ex-convicts, and they are the filthiest thugs you will ever encounter on Miami Beach. The fact that they managed to turn their evil into more profits is a sad commentary on the sinking social values of the USA.
    Jen_586 People leaving reviews saying that people who watch this show or give it a good review are dumb is so rude and uncalled for. I don't understand why people have to name call in their reviews, that to me just suggests that if you can't write a review expressing your opinion in a adult manner then that is what is stupid, not the ones who watch the show but the ones who actually go out of their way to write a 10+ line review trying to sound like they are so mature and sophisticated but really sound very uneducated. If it was actual real life people wouldn't watch it because it would be boring watching a tow truck pick up cars and never having any altercations or drama. Its obviously doing well though because it has multiple seasons and still on air. Im in Australia and can't get enough of it and I don't really care what anyone says. I like a good drama filled reality show that can make you laugh at the end of a hard day.
    nnnoooiiissseee Simply put, if your comprehension level is anywhere above that of a person with "special needs", you will watch 5 minutes of this "show" (if you can make it that long), you will feel insulted and you will turn it off.If your comprehension level is below that of a "special needs" person, you will absolutely LOVE this show! Lots of pretty colors. Lots of silly people doing silly, silly stuff! I mean, even a person with "special needs" will still be smart enough to know that it's totally scripted and poorly acted -- but they wont care. They will find it has IMMENSE "entertainment value" (pretty colors, funny sounds and a "plot" they can actually keep up with)."Fans" of this show, obviously have no life, no hobbies and loathe anything that may have some sort of education value on ANY level. The "Hey, wait a minute, I'm not stupid" function of their brains clearly do not work. The "do you REALLY think I'm DUMB enough to believe this GARBAGE" function their brains will be permanently frozen as well.And the "This program has no value on any level... I can't sit through another second" function of the brain... well, that was undoubtedly never there to begin with.The people who sit in front of this "thing" called South Beach Tow, always, ALWAYS give the same, exact excuse for sitting through it: "I know it's fake but I don't care, I think it's entertaining." In other words: "I know the producers of this show are taking me for a complete idiot but it's OK... I really am a complete idiot..."Sad...Just... just sad.
    moonlightlady339 South Beach Tow goes beyond bad taste and illiteracy. There is nothing entertaining about crooks taking a poor woman's dog for collateral. There is nothing entertaining about questionable business practices simply for the shock value of upsetting owners of property. Anyone with half a brain can see that these situations have been contrived and if the truth be known,the towing companies are the real dishonest ones. This show should not only be canceled, anyone connected with the show should seriously do "time" and be committed to "intellectual rehabilitation". Nothing even remotely funny about this show, just jerks who never got a proper education who are obviously out to get their fifteen minutes. Do yourself and your family a favor and simply do not watch, you'll seriously lose IQ Points. If I ever came across these questionable business people, I'd simply call my lawyer and not even bother to speak with them.