TV-14 | 17 January 2011 (USA)

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    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    low_76 Most of the reviews of this series go on ad nauseum about how bad the US Skins is compared to the UK Skins....well... THEY'RE ALL WRONG.Watch this show.Watch it with an open mind, really pay attention to the characters, the situations, the music. Its a great show, great characters, GREAT acting.I think this show is *at least* as good as the UK Skins, but its definitely different, as it should be. UK and US are different cultures, the show should reflect that, and it does. This one is just as mature, deals with serious issues in a funny/serious way, and I wish all the haters hadn't succeeded in getting it cancelled because it is SOOOOO GOOD !!! I love the concert scene where the actual actors actually sing, they're very good, and when compared to the parallel scene in the UK version where they simply mime to a famous song, this is just as powerful a conclusion, if not more so.I love the relationships in this series, I think they're less "forced" than with the UK series.The character of Chris is *especially* poignant, and IMHO, more accurately painted in this series, when compared to the UK one.Please give this series a watch with an OPEN MIND, its very, very good.
    pbellemare This series is excellent. The music, the acting, plotting, everything about it stands out as one of the best teen drama/comedies I've seen, and I've seen ALL of the "original" series.This is as good, and in many ways BETTER than the Brit versions. The characters are just as fully developed and realistic, the actors are tremendously accomplished, and the music in the series is always good.Don't listen to the fanboys of the original series who criticize without actually watching, this series is great. Its a terrible thing that it was cancelled, I hope the actors find work in other things, they've done such a great job here I look forward to seeing them in other things.
    muninwing Skins fell victim to the same problem Coupling fell to, and The Office managed to dodge... the balance of what to keep and what to change when adapting for a new audience. In this case, the production crew decided to do what many of the adults in the original series do – treating the target audience to immature gags and shallowness instead of using the adult themes that underlie their problems, for fear that they couldn't handle it.To start... the first episode was a slightly tamer version of the British version, point-for-point. It did a good job of making enough adaptations to set the tone for future deviations, and took some turns where unexpected in order to cater to a different audience. Then, it lost its own rhythm in the media blitz it tried to create for itself – concerning itself more with getting in the craw of the parental groups than providing reason and background for all the shocking events. When viewers realized that it wasn't actually keeping pace with the peers of its characters, and when intricate plots failed to come together with the same depth as the original, it got canceled – and most people didn't seem to care, since few of the characters were likable and worth emotionally investing in. whereas I have seen adults in their 20s and 30s moved by the expressions and voices in a simple one-sided phone call between Sid and Cass (Stanley and Cadie's alter egos), there's little to react to when MTV decided to dumb down the content.James Newman (Tony) will be good in different roles, but he certainly cannot play the confident manipulator again in any believable way. Britne Oldford (Cadie) will also do well with a director and script that doesn't look like a fifteen-year-old wrote undiagnosed angsty-crazy (and crazy for the sake of being crazy, absolutely no match for the heartbreaking fragility of Hannah Murray's equivalent). The true shining moments come from Jesse Carere (Chris), a superb actor as well as a great hard-edged parallel to the lost stoner of the original. Sure, there are some great moments – the finale was surprisingly complete, showing character development that should have happened three or four episodes earlier (in ten episodes, you can't wait that long to try to make your audience care). In the end, while the British version treated its audience like adults and addressed mature topics with complexity, believability, and hedonistic abandon, the American version's attention span and lack of depth makes it obvious that too many people had their hand in rewriting the script. Chalk another failure up to MTV going for scandal rather than real programming.
    n-rieck I have only viewed 4 episodes but I can't stop watching. It might be because non-professional actors make this program appear to be so much like real life. Every one of the characters represents someone in my own teenage years. Back then there were a few jocks, a few space-cadets, and a few girls with questionable morals, with all the rest of us just being carried along in the wake of their actions. We all thought we were so damned smart, and that adults were so so weird, or stupid, or socially inept. (in reality we weren't so smart and the adults weren't so stupid) "Skins" appears to be written from the perspective of these teens. Most appear to be working through their problems while the adults behave badly and are not working through theirs.And where did the program name come from? In the first episode the name "Skins" is mentioned in a reference to rolling paper.