| 07 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    VicCasey Sheena has been entertaining us for close to 70 years now, but you wouldn't know it to look at her. She still looks as beautiful and sexy as ever! I'm a major fan of the Queen of the Jungle and I've enjoyed her in various incarnations over the years. I've had a ball collecting and following Sheena's adventures from the pulps, comic books, the big screen, and on TV. My favorite actress in the role of Sheena is Irish McCalla, but I've enjoyed Tanya Roberts and Gina Lee Nolan too. Gina was radiant and extremely likable as Sheena. I had a fantastic time watching this show each week. Sheena always provided enjoyable escapism. I hope they release the series on DVD.
    pooh-24 ........What a horrible show.Yet another one of those female as the hero of the show who is a butt kicking babe and is so tough she could take on a bunch of savages from Rwanda and finish them off in a few minutes.Yeah right.When I saw Gena Lee Nolin from Baywatch fame cast as the hero,jungle girl Sheena,I knew quickly how bad this would be.And watching some of this proved me right on how bad this is. John Allen Nelson and Douglas Schwartz,also Baywatch alumni,help make this show the cheesy,awful, action show you would figure it would be with three people coming from Baywatch as the show's strongest influnces.It is implausible to watch one jungle girl beat up all those big athletic men in savage Afrca as Sheena does,the special effects here are just horrible,but this show is for those who like seeing women strong and heroic and men just the opposite.With the show's horrible quality however tv stations were right to present this late at night,lest the people who made this mess,on screen and off,ever be recognized by the general public with this turkey of a tv show.
    MichaelM24 SHEENA is just another entry in the trend of low-budget fantasy/adventure shows. Not much in the way of acting or story, and with weak special effects. Gena Lee Nolin is not a very good actress, but does a damn fine job looking hot, that's for sure. But the problem with this is that it's painfully obvious that a jungle girl would not look anything like Nolin. She'd look more like Janet Reno!
    Phil Reese I caught this show on during the wee hours of the night one weekend, and now make it a point to watch it as much as I can. The show takes place in Africa, and even though it is obvious that it is really filmed on a soundstage, the show has a good amount of variety in sets. The two male leads have a really nice chemistry and play off the supporting cast pretty well. Geena Lee Nolin is nice to look at, although she is a little boring. Did I mention she was nice to look at? I recommend this show solely on her wardrobe, and is still a very competent show otherwise. Check it out!
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