| 25 August 1991 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    donstamegna This was a great show when it started. Funny leading man, pretty wife who was the strong one of the family. A leach of a brother who seemed to look down on the man he leached off of, and the father who was a... well... old father. The formula was great. Then a new twist...................... Roc Live. A chance to see actors face a live audience that wasn't Saturday Night live or it's equivalent. News flash....... it was still good and funny. The only thing missing was the flubs that you were waiting to see. Jackie Gleason was the king there and it would have been nice to see a successor to the throne, but I guess since it was the only prime time show going out live they rehearsed it like there was no tomorrow(but if there were enough flubs there might have been problem from the network). Then the worst thing that could ever happen to a sit com happened.... it tried to take itself serious and make political statements. When a sit com stops being funny why the hell should it be on the air? Answer, it shouldn't and Roc vanished not with the roar of laughter it came in with, but a whimper of agenda. If you're lucky enough to get a show that is a hit, be happy. Stop trying to call notice to everything that is wrong in the world because sometimes people like us only have funny shows to allow us to escape our lives and we don't want our supposed entertainment to remind us of our problems.
    Perry Mercer (Blackace) Roc was an excellent show that provided both comedy and true to like events. Charles S. Dutton, the hard nose garbage man, did a great job as the the title role of Roc. The whole cast was very talented from Ella Joyce to Rocky Carroll. I was very disappointed when it got cancelled, but was happy that it did last 3 years. My only question now is, "When the hell are they going to release the series on DVD?" We already have other impressive black sitcoms like Sanford & Son, Good Times, What's Happening? and Cosby on DVD. When can we expect "Roc" on DVD? This needs to be released.I searched Amazon and other retail websites, but it doesn't look like it's out yet. Let's hope the developers of this show can at least get this on DVD soon. Everyone should have the pleasure of watching this sitcom.
    rza3162 This was one of those shows that you just knew was destined to be cancelled because it didn't have what it takes to appeal to the average American moron. Come on, you know it's true. Charles S. Dutton plays Roc, the teddy-bearlike garbageman with a sweet but tough wife, an angry old dad, and a wise-cracking brother. It always seemed like Roc was getting picked on by his family because he was just a hard working guy who didn't want to put up with a bunch of nonsense when he got home, but no matter what they did the family could always count on Roc to be there for them and be the roc(k). The cast had great chemistry and the writers did an excellent job of addressing race and class issues. Just a wonderful depiction of family, the kind of comedy where the laughs are there but also a real touching moment catches you by surprise every now and then, and not in a phony Full House end of every episode way (not that Full House doesn't have its place).
    skillz The actors on "Saturday Night Live" are dubbed "The Not-Ready-For-Time-Players. The ones that were ready for prime time starred in the situation comedy "Roc"! The second season of the show was done live! Roc was part of FOX's "Black Pack"; a format it has since abandoned! The only way that Rupert Murdock's FOX Network contributed positively to the quality of network television was showing "Roc Live."This was good. But apparently the other three networks weren't up to the challenge! Live entertainment on network TV is scarce! During the run of "Roc Live" all of the other popular sitcoms were showing outtakes during the closing credits! The other networks simply weren't ready. This live sitcom has yet to be answered!