Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story
Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story
| 30 July 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    NewZorkReview The news about this story didn't reveal a divided America, the news coverage, itself, divided America. Trayvon Martin was in a racist, murdering, drug gang and he had a long criminal record. The news never bothered to tell us that. They claimed that it was white racism that motivated Zimmerman, and never bothered to mention that Zimmerman wasn't even white. This nothing little incident of self-defense was turned into an untrue story that dragged on in the press for many months. The establishment wants to divide and distract us, and that's what they did. Apparently, they still can't find any white racism in America, so they are continuing to lie about this incident, years later, with this propaganda show. Take responsibility for your own life and don't watch it, unless you like to be brainwashed into thinking you have someone else to blame for all your own problems.
    nicolawiekamp The 1 star reviews are from obvious racists, the idea that this is "rewriting history" is not true. While it is emotional, all the facts do line up to what most people were reporting (obviously not FOX news).
    rick-f Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin story is supposed to be a "documentary," but it runs a heavy amount of propaganda ads and red herrings from beginning to end showing bias against Florida laws, the NRA, and Due Process. There are clips from recent events that had nothing to do with TM or even anything about BLM. The docuseries is advertised as showing the point of view of Trayvon Martin's family, but it hardly does exact that. It does more to promote the BLM movement then it does in giving an accurate account of either side of the people involved. What is more disappointing is that they ran the same stories and edited clips that led the first couple of journalists reporting the story to be fired. Does it make it okay to run edited dispatch calls? If you're explaining who ran them and what happened then ok I see that as being part of the documentary, but when you don't even explain that the journalist who edited the 911 calls was fired then that is very bad. Decades from now this could be misunderstood by people searching for material on this case and could be given a historically false narrative and misrepresentation of the facts. The story gets you to feel sorry for Trayvon by showing childhood pictures of him appearing to be innocent but doesn't focus on his role in the altercation or events leading him to be removed from his mom's home. I think this is a crucial error if you're going to give out the truth even if it is of a negative light because this information is important for viewers to understand how his behavior in his final days led to his death. Ultimately this first episode utilizes sensationalism and propaganda to influence its' more uneducated viewers to ignore the facts presented in the Court of Law and to instead follow a false narrative to influence public opinion that was manipulated by the media with ties to MLB, Al Sharpton, and Benjamin Crump. This first episode utilizes a lot of mind control and persuasive techniques to psychologically manipulate viewers into believing what is presented as truth while censoring the real facts presented by the justice system during trial. This docuseries would be an educational example of what true propaganda is.
    b4blue From the first minute it is clear that authors of this show try to ignore all the facts that came out during the trial, to paint a very emotional and inaccurate picture of Trayvon. They want to change public opinion completely, now that the case is no longer discussed online. I can still remember very clearly how crazy the attempts to skew reality were even back then. For those that are interested in objective truth, there are much better sources than this. This is just an attempt to cash in on a tragedy.