| 01 October 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Monkeywess This is an astonishing documentary that will wring your heart while it bends your mind
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    dy2015 Not sure why people liked this show. It's like a 70's sitcom with some swearing in it, and nothing all that funny. What's worse, there's no hockey in it. Just a bunch of guys who say they play hockey, but I've watched 4 episodes now, and while there's stuff that happens on the ice, it's not actually hockey. It's like hockey is just some kind of marketing gimmick they use, but they don't seem to love or respect the game itself. I feel badly for Tiger Williams and Phil Esposito - genuine hockey legends - being exploited for something so banal. Hockey is an amazing game to play - and those who play it really love it. It's a game of power, skill, quickness, and creativity. Instead of really trying to portray people who love the game, they opted instead to rehash stereotypes of hockey fans as shallow and stupid.
    vincentvega676 Well another great production from Showcase. Rude and crude can be used to describe this show but brilliantly written.It has been said that this production loses points for the show being set in Toronto. I totally and whole heartedly disagree. I have grown up in the neighborhood College and Grace where Cafe Primo is located. Being of Italian background and playing hockey, this show explores the dynamic and quirks of being a "pasta eating, espresso chugging hockey freak" Almost a cross between Slapshot, Pseudo Sopranos meets Cheers." Toronto is the only place that this show can be set in. It has the cultural diversity and dynamic that makes it funny. If you love hockey and find that all goalies are missing a screw, you will enjoy this show. Maybe the people from Vancouver might find this show entertaining. Its always raining out there you can't blame them for being miserable. Cameos by Tiger Williams and Phil Esposito. Watch this show its awesome If you don't like it "Go fo Coffee"
    norm_j This is a great show! I hope it lives longer than one season. The concept is quite interesting, not to its mention originality. And Toronto as the setting? Make's complete sense to me. Why not? Stop hating please. Where else would this story take place? I really like the characters involved. Ah, well, the two Italian dudes who are always cutting Cake up are a bit annoying, but I guess that's why the show is appealing. It has an original and realistic feel to it. Well, original and realistic minus the fictional hockey teams used in the "cup" episode.BTW: My girlfriend thinks Cake is cute. She gives the show a 9!
    clovenhoof Okay, those of you south of the 49th, don't bother. Unless you're in North Dakota, Minnesota, or Buffalo. You're all honorary Canadians, so you might get it....It's rude, it's crude, and based on the first episode, it's incredibly funny.Cake is kinda like Ed, from that t.v. show -- but instead of a lawyer running a bowling alley, Cake runs a goalie-rental service out of a cappuccino bar, when he's not fighting with the boss's daughter.It loses points for being based in Toronto. At least, I assume it's based in Toronto. It certainly could be. And THAT is enough to lose it points.Sitcoms aren't really the kinds of shows one can describe -- it's like Cheers, except it's R-rated, and since most of the characters are goalies, they are NUTS!!!!
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