Real Vice Cops Uncut
Real Vice Cops Uncut
| 06 August 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    jchristian34 This show is so real to life that I feel like I am right there with these VICE COPS. All we have known from vice cops has been sensationalized on TV and film in a way that makes you wonder if these types of cops actually adhere to the laws that they are sworn to uphold. Now that there is an actual REAL LIFE look at vice cops I am hooked! The ACTION is non-stop and the vice cops actually have intelligence and heart unlike many reality cop-s shows that show the cops as knuckle-heads just trying to get off on being right and superior to the citizens they are sworn to protect and serve. Not to mention the audience yawning through fifteen arrests of traffic offenders. This show is awesome especially when the vice cops pause yo pray before a mission, it really shows the brotherhood that exists in these elite units. No one could possibly truly know what it is like taking on hardened armed drug dealers and pitiful pimps using drugs and intimidation to control their prostitutes until now! The drug dealers and pimps are not glamorized as "cool" like on MTV but are shown in their own harsh reality. They live a very dirty and disgusting life using everyone in their path to satisfy their need for greed! Go Real Vice Cops!
    azcabingirl This is boring, boring, boring. Absolutely NO action. Just typing across the screen and a complete knock off of "Cops". There's an hour of my life I'm not getting back. Where are the arrests? Where are the vice cops that actually do something? I find it amazing what actually makes it onto television. Really, NOTHING happens throughout the entire show. I think I saw one MINOR bust. Both my husband and I fell asleep while watching. What's it going to take for someone to come up with something original, yet not dumb? I will never be watching this show again. It just happened that nothing else was on. Try for some originality. PLEASE.