NR | 24 June 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    joris-degroot I was still very little when this show aired here in Europe, but even so, I still remember two shows me and my family were sort of addicted to : Sledge Hammer and Raven. Although not very alike, they were and are both icons of genius series in the 80's and 90's. I still remember the great scenery and atmosphere in Rave and the fights were exciting as ever, how else would a little guy like I was remember such a show clearly? The main characters were great developed and Raven himself had such a great mystery over him as a former member of the Black Dragons. As mentioned by many people here before me, it's a pity that Raven (and sledge hammer too) had such a short lifespan. And while many shows are now re-released on DVD, Raven stays in the cold for no apparent reason, at least to me. Please release this show and make us happy :(
    Nick Dets The character Raven feels like a marriage between Batman and Don Johnson. Like the former, he is a vigilante crimefighter seeking justice for murdered love ones. Also, he is cultured and disciplined in martial arts and surrounding philosophies. As the latter, he happens to be a mullet-rocking glamor boy with a penchant for women and fun. It may not sound like it, but this is a very happy marriage.This is a lower-end action production that is uniquely inspired. Due to surprisingly tight direction, never is it a going-through-the-motions bottom shelf actioner like it would seem. It may not be strikingly original, but "Raven" is fast-paced and well-layered. It gets the job done nicely without being over the top or pretentious."Raven" delivers the goods in style, outweighing the guilty in the term guilty pleasure. It knows what its audience wants (hot women, fast action, fun characters and exciting locations). It is more than deserving of a late night CBS spot, but still I don't think it got the respect and attention it deserved.
    edabrogden_326 It is a Shame that CBS doesn't have a Clue to what a good TV series is, Raven was a fine Show,It had Great Writing,Great Chemistry (with Meek & Majors) as it's Leading stars. and Great Displays of Martial Arts in Excellent fight scenes, CBS HAD A TRUE HIT ON THEIR HANDS. but as usual They let it slip out of their hands.There should be a Release of this wonderful TV series on DVD. & A TV/REUNION MOVIE to finally add closure to this wonderful show. I have a story in mind for it,and it would be great to see Mark Dacascoss or Ernie Reyes jr to play Jonathon's son. There should be a petition to make this thing happen. Raven has a very large TV/CULT FOLLOWING. I guess is if CBS doesn't make this happen ,Then I belive that they truly live up to their name Consistantly Being Stupid. Other Good Shows That CBS has Canceled The Flash, Martial Law , Now & Again E.L. Brogden Cleveland, Ohio
    shorin 'Raven' was a great show. It had a good plot, great fight sequences, and awesome chemistry between the actors. I highly recommend it if you can find it. I am still trying to find the episodes on videotape!