Rainbow Brite
Rainbow Brite
| 13 December 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Celebrate_lifeever This beloved 80's children's' show is the epitome of formulaic, and like Rainbow Brite's horse Starlight is a one-trick pony with practically no character development. This was my favorite Children's show as a toddler, and it remains one of my all time favorite Children's' shows now that i am 28. It is the a shining jewel of innocence, good doing and magic. What it lacks in innovation it makes up for with a universal and eternal set-up: the battle to keep our lives bright and full of color and ward off "the pits." When we boil down the complexities of our lives, in essence are our lives any less formulaic? What it lacks in depth of character and development of character, it makes up for in pristine idealism and purity of heart; our lives are full of complexities, but in these times were unshakable rocks like religion are not favored as they once were, rainbow brite fills in as a non-denominational example of love and joy; to develop her character beyond that would eat away at the idealism and integrity of what Rainbow Brite is. At the beginning of the season, the show seemed to start of with real-world examples of how to keep your life bright (for instance the episode where she meets Brian, her human friend), but quickly fell into a generic battle to save Rainbow Land from various color-stealing forces. If the show had found a way to continue providing real world examples of keeping our lives bright, or provided a more firm metaphorical basis for the threats against Rainbow Land, perhaps this beloved show would have had a deeper genius than simply being beautiful and of pristine spirit. There is obscure depth in Rainbow Brite, but regrettably, like the color crystals mined by the color sprites, it must be unearthed by the viewer. Stay bright, Rainbow Brite!
    h c I was born in the 90s and i had a blanket, her little sprite and Starlite. I loved Rainbow Brite. It was the best show i had watched. I actually found it on Netflix and i am currently watching the star stealer. and about 25 years later i still hear great things about it. Will always be a fan! Everyone is entitled to their opinion but i have only heard one bad comment about this show and it was on here. It is now 2011, so for this to be still in my top says a lot about this show. I really hope i can find all the episodes on Amazon. My father and mother always had us watching shows from the 80s. I can't day i can still watch them any more because the graphics were really not as up to date as it was in the 90s. But absolutely love this one. <3<3 Forever in my heart.
    grrlpunk I loved "Rainbow Brite" when I was a little girl! Though it was short lived (only 13 television episodes, one movie, and one live action video), it grew so many fans. As the episodes went on, new characters were introduced and the old ones were never lost. The show even had characters cross over from the movie. The tales of friendship and colors, fun and adventure carried on through many books and toys. It's too bad it didn't last longer or that it's so hard to find anything Rainbow Brite anymore. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves the 80s or someone who has a little girl they would like to introduce a wonderful cartoon character to. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to boys though.
    Kittenn I loved Rainbow Brite all through childhood, I loved the colours, the characters and the music. I wish it hadn't died away, and that it was easier to find now-a-days.