Push, Nevada
Push, Nevada
| 17 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    buddyalkek We loved this show. The reason for this late review is I have started using Hulu instead of cable. Only have the minimum cable now. At any rate, Hulu doesn't carry this great show. Please post if you know where it can be received. I would love to see it again. We were so disappointed when it was canceled. The dumbing up of America continues, all you can watch are inane csi type shows or that reality bs. I am not sure why this site requires 10 lines??? I finished what I had to say but it insists I add a total of 10 so I will babble a bit. I watched the original x-files tonight. That was interesting. Did you know smoking man was in the pilot. I thought that was pretty strange as he continued through the whole series. Later, I think I have written enough.
    visiblemike This was still the best thing I've seen on TV in years, and ABC was dumb enough to put it against NBC and CBS' Thursday night powerhouses. I doubt anyone associated with the show reads these, but if they do, I loved Push, Nevada... and I haven't seen anything like it since... The casting was superb, the story was intriguing.The only huge letdown was the way they had to end it when it was canceled.I hope someone who had anything to do with this takes some pride in these commentsMike O Brooomfield, CO
    Wlfnhrslvrgrl I taped both the series premier and second episode on Thursday and watched them this morning. I am hooked. I will definitely be watching this show every Thursday. I've always loved a good mystery and this promises to be a good one. I love the lead actor, Derek Cecil. He's good-looking without being too good-looking. It also doesn't hurt that he went to Taft High School, which is near San Antonio, my hometown. The fact that his character is an IRS agent (one of the few people hated more than lawyers) is funny. I had to laugh when at first he would only tell people he worked for the government. You could tell he knew what kind of response he would get if he told people right off that he worked for the IRS. This series promises to be full of mystery, intrigue, and action. Way to go Ben and Sean!
    coreenMK The season premier was catchy. It has a "Twin Peaks" atmosphere, camera moves reminiscent of "The Dead Zone" and I adore the lead, Jim Prufrock. An IRS agent with attitude - that just cracks me up! (Except that every time I hear his name the poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" pops into my head!)If the writers can keep up the mystery without their viewers getting confused, this show is sure to be a hit!