Property Brothers
Property Brothers
| 04 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    nareed4781 Some reviews have said the designs that the property brothers use are outdated and "90's style". This is so far from the truth. They take the homeowners own tastes in mind and do the remodel accordingly. Most of the time it is modern or contemporary designs. Also, another reviewer wanted to know where they are finding houses in the 500k to 700k range and gave it a bad review because it wasn't realistic. Obviously this person hasn't been to places like Washington DC or in the suburbs of other major cities. The prices of the homes are realistic and the cost of the renovation is realistic. One reviewer said the cost to renovate is 2.5 times the cost that they say. Most renovations are anywhere from 60k-100k. I am in the business, renovations like this don't cost 250k. Now to my review. This show is for entertainment. That's what it does. Even though the dream house thing is kinda dumb the show is still great. That's all that really needs to be said about the show.
    rixrex These guys are so out of touch with modern times it's a laugh to watch them. They are about 20 years behind times in their designs, You could be blindfolded and ears plugged, and you can tell exactly what's going on in the show.They do everything this way: 1. Trick buyers into thinking they are seeing a property for sale, but it's all a scam to get them to go into a Renovation house. Sometimes. from what's been said about the show, this is all an act, the people already bought the house, Shame on the Bros! 2. View dumps and pick two to decide about. The buyers are told a Pie in the Sky story about how wonderful it will all turn out, then always get surprised by something. Don't they have home inspectors? 3. They always pick the crappiest one.4. Every single home is reno'ed with that 1990s open floor design. Even if the house has some sort of historical appeal, the inside has to be gutted and redone in a style that is already dated as soon as it's done.5. Stupid timelines to create a false impression of tremendous pressure to GET IT DONE! But if it can't be, they will extend the deadline.6. Dumbass deconstruction with sledge hammers, wrecking good stuff that can be sent to recycling centers. Don't these guys know we're already past the year 2000 and recycling is smart? 7. More dumbass deconstruction of very nice retro period designs that only need some sprucing up, and then idiotic replacement with stuff a decade past it's day, but nowhere near retro yet.8. Always the SAME THING week after week, show after show. The buyers' faces change.And what is this stuff about most homes being over $500,000 up to $900,000? Where are they buying these things?Time to turn the channel to This Old House, where they do things smartly and correctly without show business baloney.
    Fred G. Sanford I sometimes wonder if this show is a joke. I mean this in all seriousness. The prices of the homes these guys find to renovate are beyond ridiculous. They recently showed a young couple a 1700-2000 sq. ft old home listed for $749,000!!!! Are you kidding me? The house wasn't worth a penny more than $150k.I can't believe the prices people pay for homes these days. I worked as a general contractor for over 10 years and I can honestly tell you, you are being robbed if you dole out this kind of cash for a home. When it is time to sell, you have overpaid by such an astronomical amount, you will almost certainly take a loss. That is what happened in the United States beginning around 2006. It seems as though people have not learned any lessons from what happened.Resist the urge to buy 'RIGHT NOW', because you need a better living arrangement or because someone else might 'get the house'. Let them have it. Save your money and be sensible. People toss around $500,000- $850,000 home prices like they are a drop in the bucket. That is a lot of money. Think about that before committing to such a a tremendous obligation.
    PartialMovieViewer I really enjoy the heck out of , "The Property Brothers." "Spoiler Alert "-"Spoiler Alert": The show does exactly what it's supposed to do, it entertains. This is not some do-it-yourself show; or design show – this is a 30 minute drama with some humor tossed in. Every week the stories are predictable and almost identical. New home buyers want spectacular houses in classy neighborhoods. To help the buyers better understand reality, the brothers present each couple 'that' fancy house, located in 'that' fancy neighborhood. Little do these future homeowners know is that all this fancyness costs a fancy price. Needless to say, it is very obvious when that eureka nerve is hit. All gleeness is sucked out of the home-hunters' eyes – instantly. "Spoiler Alert "-"Spoiler Alert": This is all part of the show. From that point on the show is all wheeling and dealing…and of course last minute scampering. "Spoiler Alert "-"Spoiler Alert": And don't forget…one of the homeowners will always be, 'The King or Queen of Jerks,' I love it. Stir the pot – can't beat this show. Excellent job.