Press Your Luck
Press Your Luck
TV-G | 19 September 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    goleafs84 The first time I saw this show I was instantly drawn to it. I loved everything about this show; The bad poetry people would send in about the show or Peter Tomarken, Rod Roddy (this was the first time I saw him), the excitement when the contestants played for prizes and "big money" as well as their greed. Also I liked the contestant's banter when they pressed their luck; "No Whammies, No Whammies, No Whammies" and the best was one guy who would scream, "BIG MONEY, BIG MONEY, BIG MONEY, AND NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMIESSSSSSSSSS!!. He still sticks out in my mind. And of course, who could forget those wonderful Whammies?? I can still see the "Boy George" Whammy singing, "Who would want to hurt a Whammy?" to the tune of Culture Club's "Do you want to hurt me?" The pizza making Whammy and The construction worker Whammy as they would take away your winnings when you got them.One of my all time game shows that I will never forget.
    BlackJack_B Earlier today I saw one of the most exciting episodes of a game show ever on The Game Show Network. "Press Your Luck" originally ran from 1983-86 with Peter Tomarken as host. Three contestants answer trivia questions to earn spins on the big board to win big money and prizes. You could win quite a bit of money for the time, too. The reason "Luck" was in the title was because also on the boards are "Whammies" that act like the bankrupts of Wheel Of Fortune. If you landed on a Whammy, you lost all your money. There was also a cute animation of the Whammy berating the contestant. There was no skill involved, unless your name was Michael Larsen...Also, if you no longer wanted to press your luck, you could pass the spins to someone else and they had to take them and risk hitting the Whammy. It gets real exciting when contestants pass spins (you could also win free spins) back and forth like tennis balls to see who'll get hit with a possible Whammy. The contestants were always enthusiastic, Tomarken was an awesome host, Rod Roddy of The Price Is Right got his start here; what's not to like. Classic game show! Also, the new version on The Game Show network is great, too.
    asherjdoak For as long as I can remember, this was one of my all-time favorite shows. I used to get a big laugh out of the Whammies taking all the contestant's money because each Whammy had a different look and said something really funny. One that always sticks out in my mind was the Whammy that was dressed like Elvis and how he broke his hip dancing. That was a hoot! I even used to do the whole "c'mon, big bucks, c'mon, big bucks" routine along with a contestant, much to my mom's annoyance 'cause this was pretty much at the bottom of her list of favorite shows. I'm just glad that it's found a home on Game Show Network where a whole new generation can hope that they won't lose all their money.
    Hancock_the_Superb I won't get into too long of a review, but I want to say that I love this show! It's a good, old game show. As good as "Jeopardy!", and considerably better than that other has-been game show . . . er, I mean "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (which I did like in its heyday). I haven't watched the new "Whammy!", but no reason to, IMO, since it's just this with more up-to-date graphics and technology. Love the Whammies, BTW.Seven stars.