Pig Goat Banana Cricket
Pig Goat Banana Cricket
TV-PG | 16 July 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    gear_steam I like weird and fun shows, it's bizarre, random and again fun, I like this show how it doesn't take itself seriously, like most show today in television examples Adventure time, regular show, We bare bears, this shows are tryng to much to embbigen themself form how they started that are just annoying the fan base, and in we bare bears you can see that they are gonna make it more of what it is (Grizz past) this show it's at par in zaniness whit uncle grandpa, I even want a crossover of the shows, also,I fell sad they call this show mediocre, or bad or worse, you can tell they don't try to give a show a chance, even great show have wobbly first season (example- old Simpsons ,Bob burger, Futurama) so if you wan't to just veg out and have fun watch it and enjoy!!!
    footeemma first off, it's boring and it's too random. Why would you have the characters be a banana, a goat, a pig and a cricket? Honestly. The characters are annoying and stupid and the animation looks so ugly. I'd honestly rather watch fan boy and chum chum. This is the worst cartoon I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't believe this show will last a while. This is just like that one show, Secret Mountain Fort Awesome. That one had really ugly animation and the plot was really stupid. If I had kids, I would never let them watch this show. Every time this show comes on the TV I would immediately switch the channel. IF I EVER CATCH MYSELF WATCHING THIS SHOW I WILL PUNCH MYSELF. I hate this show so much. I know that the producers could have came up with something much better, that makes sense and is actually quality animation.
    Tyler Burns what on earth is this. it looks stupid, idiotic and not even worth watching. you couldn't pay me with all the cheeseburgers in the world to watch this show because I'd just take the cheeseburgers and run... I don't even know what this show is about but I don't need to know, to know that this show is totally lame. I mean who would watch something like this, cause I know I wouldn't. I've seen better from nickelodeon and i certainly wouldn't make anyone watch this show, even if our lives depended on it. I don't know what they were thinking when they made this show yet I'm starting to think that they weren't thinking when making this show otherwise they would have came up with something much better and actually worth watching. this show seems like one of those one season kind of shows!!!
    andrew_heitzeberg I wasn't really attracted to this show when I first saw this on Nickelodeon.The art style didn't really catch my eyes and I didn't really find the title of this show unique.The name of this show is literally "Pig,Goat,Banana,Cricket".But I just decided to give this show a try despite it's art style and mediocre title.After watching this show, I hated it even more.Each episode is built on a clichéd and faulty plot and there are too many plot holes, it has way too many fart jokes which is just disgusting and not funny anymore, the characters are barely likable and have very few redeeming qualities, the art style is disgusting and it's badly animated.I wouldn't ever watch this again. Nickelodeon has simply given up on making good cartoons.Fanboy and ChumChum,Breadwinners,Sanjay and Craig and now this I'm sorry nickelodeon but you're not good enough to watch now. CartoonNetwork has better shows now and all you have is SpongeBob