| 07 October 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    green_kerry Superb, one of the best laugh out loud series for a long time. On par with Fresh Meat, which is also hilarious. Each character in Phone Shop is dealing with their own individual issues, which is the focus of the show. The only thing they have in common is their Boss, Razzy P, who is a typical shiny salesman. Deffo worth a watch. Worth the 10 star rating
    Phillip Thorne I agree with 'brianloughran55' review of this Channel 4 UK comedy series. People outside the UK, or London to be more precise would not understand much of the humor.There is an accent in London now in the younger working class generation that is a mix of Jamaican, Cockney and Yardie and it sounds just like that of Lance's Phone Shop employee's! I have sat on the train many times and listened to these people babbling on and it seems the stronger the accent and lingo the more thick they tend to be.Another thing is that if your just hearing and not seeing who is talking you would never be able to guess their ethnicity.Still, these colorful characters always unwittingly put a smile on my face so don't worry if you forget the paper when boarding the Victoria to Folkestone train.I recommend watching an episode from the new series called, 'Baking Bad'. Just total comedy genius!
    zoecole I love this show, being from Sutton myself I find it incredibly funny. Like the other 2 reviews if you're not British u will not get it. The shop is genuine and has moved from it's original site. It is fun to wander past during filming although they do get a few directions wrong.It is wet your pants laughing funny, some of it accurate, some of it not, and it is a somewhat genuine reflection of Sutton when you have to wander in a phone shop and but one of the best comedy series I have seen in a long time.Series 1 best by far but hurry up and release series 3!teddy****spin teddy****spin!
    danielspink Phoneshop is a edgy and often hilarious black comedy. It has some very strong characters and some very surreal moments full of energy and often psychotic moments. Whilst superficially it appears to pander to a young demographic though slang and sexual references, don't let this put you off as it in fact has some very well written characters. I believe any fan of Green Wing or any Chris Morris production should check this out. The episode in which new boy Christopher has to go out into the street dressed in a bear costume stands out with some hilarious slapstick and surreal comedy moments, along with another episode in which various characters end up locked up in the basement. Can understand why people may not like it and also I guess the humor is very British so may not appeal to any non UK viewers. Glad to hear a second series has been commissioned.Excellent.