Perfect Hair Forever
Perfect Hair Forever
| 07 November 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Joseph Barnett Best animated series on adult swim in my opinion and I cant wait to see if they make it to tuna mountain in future episodes. Very funny show that parodies as well as makes fun of anime, I love American cartoons and wish they would take that anime crap off of adult swim. But perfect hair forever is great and even more enjoyable if your a stoner. I actually watched it on LSD once and WOW, maybe thats why I like it so much. If you like Aqua Teen Hunger Force (same creators as perfect hair and many of the same voice actors) or Venture Bros, south park, squid billies or any thing else on adult swim (except that fagot anime)then you'll love perfect hair forever
    rcp_90 This show is just... awesome.If you've ever sen any anime in your life, then you should be able to recognize the tongue in cheek humor at it's expense. With a boy going on a quest to seek the 9th level of power, given to him by a character named Uncle Grandfather, and with enemies like Catman thrown in the way, it seems familiar, which only makes it funnier.But the show is still quite a strong show on it's own. The sheer random stupidity of the characters is what makes this show. For instance, during one episode when Coiffio asks his Model Robot to turn into an A-bomb and blow itself up, which it does, Coiffio is then floating in the wreckage of his space ship, and goes "Aww... now I miss him" and proceeds to sing a song in his honor. (Where he refers to refers to the Model Robot as Model Butthole.) The show is full of characters acting retarded, and one liners that are just magnificent, with the plot being basically dragged along to provide a better vehicle for these, which is fine.Speaking of the plot, in typical Williams Street style, there isn't one of any consequence. Any sane thoughts that there may be a plot are dashed by the 2nd episode. And it is glorious. I mean, how could you not laugh during such clever plot devices as the Cat-Bun Wars? (When an army of Cats and an army of Hot Dogs Buns square off) What makes it even better is that this 6 episode run ends with no resolution, because the 6th episode is just a bunch of random crap that reminds me more of Robot Chicken then anything else. ("Look dad! I invented the internet! But it's made of wood. That reminds of this song, it's called, "I'm a failure!") In short, the show is basically 12 minutes of solidly delivered one liners coming from an awesome selection of characters, being driven along on a plot that could not have been conceived without the aide of some sort of hallucinogenic drug. And I love it.
    almostmetal Though not for everyone, this is honestly one of the funniest shows on television; especially when it comes to just plain random humor. The creative minds behind Space Ghost, Aqua Teen and various other adult swim shows are insanely apparent.The humor isn't really jokes or even visual gags most of the time. More so it's the completely off the wall dialog which sometimes is humorous muttering (Uncle Grand Father) or just plain incomprehensible yelling (Coiffio). Though this might be somewhat off-putting to a certain demographic, it should prove very effective to the typical adult swim crowd. If you like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman or any of the other hot adult swim shows, you will LOVE this. It's not for everyone, but if you get it, it's comedy gold. Plain and simple.
    dynamitefan123 Just as many other shows on Adult Swim, it seems the creators just took the craziest things they thought of at the moment and made it into a show. The main character is a young lad (Gerald) who has gone balding at a very early age. He goes on a journey to find the place where you can have perfect hair forever (hence the title). Along the way, he meets many crazy characters such as a hot dog, an inappropriate comedy tree, and Rod the Anime God. And who could forget the crazy Asian guys? Their struggles with the English language and the comments made toward Brenda mixed with the late air time make for great laughs. I would definitely recommend this show to anyone who enjoys other Adult Swim shows such as Aqua Teen Hunger Force.