Pardon the Interruption
Pardon the Interruption
| 22 October 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Executscan Expected more
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    bhostetle Pardon The Interruption was one of the best sports shows on TV. Host's Tony Kornheiser, and Michael Wilbon have always been a little out of date to the younger sports crowd, but it used to work very well, ironically. As they have aged and with the departure of Reali, the show is a shell of it's once former greatness. It seems more and more they just want to disagree and not give any valid reasons for their disputes. The show had a fresh and unique take, giving segments timed amounts that they may slightly go over, but for the betterment of the topic. Now they give over-played topics six minutes and continue disagreeing for additional minutes at times. It's truly become a half-hour gab fest. In my honest opinion this show was once the flagship of sport shows. Tony Kornheiser is too out of touch and Michael Wilbon is bigoted and often racist, it's uncomfortable to watch. At least Around the Horn is still watchable, I thank PTI for what they've done for that show. Also, Highly Questionable, a show I did not care for when I first saw it, has become one of the funniest shows on television.
    jim fred this show is scripted. the opinions are not real. the writers write it, the actors say it. if you want to hear legitimate sports discussion, get away from espn and hit up the old fashioned am/fm radio, you can find honest and much more detailed analysis there. nothing more needs to be said, so in response the the ten lines of text requirement, i will just repeat myself. this show is scripted. the opinions are not real. the writers write it, the actors say it. if you want to hear legitimate sports discussion, get away from espn and hit up the old fashioned am/fm radio, you can find honest and much more detailed analysis there.
    justin-fencsak For years I've watched Sportscenter and X-Games as my reason to watch ESPN. That, and some of their original scripted programming that didn't last long. That is, until PTI came along. This show, famous for its split-screen format with the guys bantering about sports and a rundown graphic of what's coming up, delivers on all goods. Even though it's not in HD on ESPN HD (it will come fall of 2010), it's full of humor, banter, bias, buzz, and plain fun. There have been shows that tried to duplicate the success of PTI and its sister show, Around the Horn (a game-show like interview show), but none can match the reign of ESPN's talk shows. PTI remains a hallmark of sports journalism at its wittiest.
    MinnesotaSportsGirl3 I adore this show beyond words! My brother introduced it to me a couple years ago and I religiously watch it. I love Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser! My favorite one, though, is Michael. He supports a lot of the things I do...and I agree with him on a lot of things! This show, I hope..will be around for a long time! I'm so happy that my brother introduced me to is and I try really hard NOT to miss it!More people should watch it! See how cool Wilbon and Kornheiser are!!Since I want to be a sportscaster, this is a great show!! I would LOVE to do this show for a living! GO PTI!!