Outer Space Astronauts
Outer Space Astronauts
| 08 December 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    peter-sodja I really love this show. It takes a few moments to adapt to the animation style and after that it really complements the humor style as well. It is a simple show with fresh witty jokes and extremely likable characters. I say that its simple, because this is not a satire as most of todays animated comedy shows are. There is no social critique involved, no deeper meaning to watch out for and nothing in the show will make you uncomfortable. Its just pure relaxed fun. The word simple doesn't do it justice though, since the story, characters, animations and dialog are very well made. Even though at a first glance it looks like a miscellaneous low budget show, this is really a gem.
    James (jamesharmer-1) I am normally extremely generous in my opinions of TV shows and to say that this show was the single worst show ever made would be flattering.So strongly did I hate this show, I was forced to review it in the hope that my review can help just one person in the world avoid certain disappointment.The animation which was a combination of real heads on animated bodies started out weird and ended up annoying.I did not find humor in one single joke and I strongly advise that no person ever watch this show.This show is a shocker!!!! 1/10
    tommy_6727 This show is great and really creative.It plays off the fact that it's low budget and relishes in it. The writing is amazing and the comedy is intentionally silly, smart, and irreverent.The only way to describe it is Sealab 2021 (adult swim) with a Star Trek setting... but since Sealab is a little obscure another way to put it is South Park meets Star Trek, as the story lines revolve around poking fun at the star trek themes.If you were a fan of Sealab 2021, or the home made adult swim comedy shows you will absolutely love this show. The majority of reviews on this new show are great but every once in a while you get some who is way to serious and comes in and complains about the production value... while letting it go way over there head that it was intentionally made this way and that it's unique artistic flare adds to the punch line of the show.
    zathrus1 I've read some of the reviews here complaining about this show, and it just goes to show that some people really don't have much imagination.This show is not your run of the mill cartoon (like we don't have enough of those already). The animation is intentionally weird, but so what? Not everything has to look like it came from Disney - and the use of live action heads allows the characters to have human expression while hitting a low production cost point.The writing on this show is what I enjoy. It is sort of a cross between Star Trek and Green Acres. Commander Dick Amos is a space age equivalent of Hooterville's Oliver Douglas. He's the only reasonably sane person in an environment filled with odd-balls, incompetents, and just plain morons.Like Oliver Douglas, Commander Amos continually struggles to control the anarchy around him when he'd probably be better off just to sit back and let it happen. Things in this show tend to take care of themselves in odd and unexpected ways.This show isn't for everyone, and you're either going to get it or not. If you don't, just move on and watch a rerun of Three's Company or something similarly non-challenging. If you have a more adventurous sense of humor, put on your "Diplomatic Hat" and enjoy it.