Our Little Family
Our Little Family
TV-PG | 17 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    shari-09810 I love this "little" family. The kids are adorable and the parents so down to earth and likable. I've been watching The Little Couple for a few seasons and when I discovered this new show I found it to be just as enjoyable and informative. Their ability to adapt and function in a world geared for averaged sized people is amazing ... Nothing stops them. I hope TLC will keep them in their line up ... It would be fun to watch these delightful little kids grow up. And, I hope the parents will continue share their life experiences with us. It isn't often that reality television is actually "real " and unscripted, but this show appears to be just that, real. I'm looking forward to the new season .
    beaches-42375 I really enjoy Little People Big World and the Little Couple. Tuned in to see Our Little Family. It really lacks any thing of interest. First the Mom is very happy to talk non stop about being "little"..but when some one takes notice of it and wants to get a picture of the family ..she is screaming "NO PICTURES". Really? I would think they might like being noticed from the show and also reality is that she can not demand through out their lives that no one takes a picture , especially if they are recognized from TV. Also they are being FILMED for a program, but an individual can not take a photo. I think they will only have about 15 minutes of fame. Is there any one else out there besides me that wonders if the kids ..especially Jack who is six is receiving any speech therapy? All three children have big speech impediments. The show as a whole is hard to listen to and not entertaining. Mom is not likable and the husband is whipped. It is SO scripted that it is very boring. I won't tune in again.
    mayers-58605 The show seems scripted especially the kids. I am NOT feeling it. The mom comes across grumpy. The kids are cute but what they say and how they eat are a turn off. What happens with a lot of these shows is they find normal people but then the people get paid and become different and then I don't want to watch them anymore (hence Kate plus 8). I find myself rolling my eyes watching Our Little Family and not smiling. I cannot pin point what specifically it is. I like Little People and the Little Couple so it isn't that I am prejudice. I would love to see about 10 new shows on TLC. I am tired of reruns of all the same shows. Lets get some imagination going TLC. Shake it up a bit but please stop putting unpleasant people on the show. I am sure there are billions of more interesting families and interests.
    susanoldena1 The commercial where mom asks for no pix to be taken implies that "tall" people are insensitive. However, in her first commercial, she says "What is special about my family is that we are all small". So, it's OK to cash in on her new found fame AND be condescending to tall people at the same time when they recognize her and her family. How does she know they are taking pix because they are little people? Maybe they are taking pix because the Little Family is on television and people just simply recognize them. How presumptuous. While I agree that perhaps before taking pix, people should ask permission, but either she wants the fame for having an "all small" family or she doesn't. She can't eat her cake and have it too!! Very offensive. Will never watch this show and will never recommend it to anyone. LOVE the Roloffs and Bill Klein and Jenn Arnold and Will and Zoey. Can't get enough of those guys.