Our Cartoon President
Our Cartoon President
TV-14 | 11 February 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
    Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
    Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
    nathanielpaulsen I love the animation, seeing the capital in a cartoon media, and an unbelievably humanizing depiction of the Trump and his Cabinet. I look forward to this show every week and it always has me laughing. I'm sure Trump supporters will rate it 1 star, but people without a sense of humor shouldn't give their opinions on comedy.
    BadBrucey I like it. It portrays Trump as a moron, his two sons who are even bigger morons and Ivanka as a privileged princess who has done absolutely nothing without the help of daddy warbucks. I guess it's too true to life for his mindless supporters. It's not perfect and hopefully it will only last as long as Trump's presidency, so I guess only two more seasons.
    firefly900 Im not American , dont live in America so trust me when I say the rest of the world is tired of this never ending leftist/liberal whinge fest that the sorest losers of all time have not stopped crying about since 2016. You Lost Get Over It! The whole world HATES the American Left. Shows like this are complete garbage. Get out of the Echo Chamber!
    cwade22 Our president, Donald Trump is Funny. Way funnier than any spoof of himself. Best to show him in debates with Hillary Clinton where he said stuff like "because you'd be in jail" or "wrong, Wrong, Wrong" as she talked. He said some crazy funny stuff on tv during the election, so funny that I'd be listening as I drank water or Organic yogurt and would spit it out as I laughed! Hate trump or like him, you have to understand he's Funnier than all the limitations of him. It's very rare that The Actual person or thing being spoofed is funnier than the spoofing. This show is more stale than the office. Yes, the office to me is very stale and subtle. Subtle is not a great form of comedy. Anyway, Colbert never made me laugh, never. Dave Chappell and key and peele were the funniest from Comedy Central. I never laughed at any others from that weak network. Stephen Colbert was never funny to me. This show is very weak. I could critique the animation, or very VERY bad voiceovers and really dumb, lazy writing, but again, all of that is pointless because The Main character isn't as Funny as The Actual President Trump. Who watched this show? I mean, what is the Target audience? With comedy, you can mock people but you have to make the viewers laugh, and bring people from both sides TOGETHER! This show does nothing good. At the least, IT DOESN'T MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH! I can't believe showtime/CBS actually bought this show! It's so stale, forced and boring. Others have said it's a missed opportunity, but it's really pointless unless you capture the essence of trump from the election. Even Some trump Tweets make me laugh because they read as GANGSTA RAPPER INSULTS TO OTHER GANGSTA RAPPERS! His New Year's 2017 tweet where he thanks his enemies, reads just like a Kanye or Tupac or biggie proclaimation to others. One last thing about spoofing success, it helps when the audience knows What is being spoofed. If you know the target, it makes it really funny. Watching The last 30 minutes of Naked Gun 33 1/3 final insult will make me die laughing because I know what they're spoofing. If you watch a spoof movie and don't know what they're mocking, it won't be funny. This show, we all know what they're mocking(every trump ally in government and media) and it still fails. Surely, there are feeble minded, easily amused, low standard fools that will laugh at seagulls or weak, lazy shows like this, but if you moderately understand comedy and have moderate standards, and you think trump is funnier than anything mocking him, you'll probably think this show is weak.