Once an Eagle
Once an Eagle
| 02 December 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    chrissso 1976 Called ... and it wants this overly long soap opera miniseries back!!! No, we are not talking Winds Of War or War & Remembrance … which were also pretty soapy (Rhonda almost sunk the franchise) … they at least had ample historical context. Nor are we talking about Holocaust ... the best of all … but this one right here. Now at writing this has an 8.1 rating on IMDb. This IMHO reflects the nostalgic vote because having just seen the series for the first time I can tell you it's not that good. No I did not see this when I was 15 with my parents in the living room… nor did I read the book … nor was I part of the greatest generation … just a person accessing history through film. Now there are good things to say, especially Sam Waterson & Cliff Potts in the leads … more so the rest of the cast was quite solid (it is fun to have one of those "I remember her" moments like with Juliet Mills). And I do like the theme of disgusting politics and self-promotion at the expense of others … in war time. My biggest problem remains the sappy soap … which was needed to attract big audiences … over the course of many nights … to offset the great expense of the production. It just made this show way too long. I guess it all comes down to what you like … a little soap with your history or a little history with you soap? I go prior all the time … history is juicy enough. 6 of 10
    slatercottage With a little looking you CAN find the DVD or VHS of "Once an Eagle". I bought one several months ago. First, it is NOT the best quality, but is "viewable. It was probably made off of film or an old video. Second, it is not cheap - in the $50-60 range.But it is definitely better than nothing. Do a Google search on "Once an Eagle" and you should find it. I found it on an auction website online (not eBay). I believe I offered $45 for a DVD set (3 DVDs) and it was accepted.I have been a long-time fan of the mini-series and Sam Elliot. This is without doubt one of his best roles.Good luck!
    carpedozer Watched it on NBC when it first aired, and have long thought "OAE" one of the best productions network TV has given us. Big screen or little screen, excellence always begins with the words, and Anton Meyrer's book provided a great story. A fine adaptation, a great cast, and an insightful look into military life between and during the wars. I hadn't been out of the military very long at that time, and I remember comparing various characters with people I had served with. It's no surprise to learn the book is now required reading for future officers.Terrific work by Sam Elliott, Glenn Ford, Darleen Carr and others, but I am surprised no one else has mentioned the outstanding effort long-time character actor Robert Hogan delivered as Ben Krisler, Damon's best friend. He brought real humanity, humor and depth to what might have been just a second banana part, and Hogan and Sam Elliott made the on-screen friendship solid and believable. Add my vote to those who would like to see it released again. For one thing I'd like to see if it stands up well after all these years...or if my memory has just burnished it brighter than it actually was :-).
    btraven Shown in UK as part of best sellers series along with Captains and the Kings. Couldn't wait for each new part of the mini series still remember it after 27 years so it must have been good. Why doesn't someone show this series again?