TV-14 | 02 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    kingfawzy It is not a good series at all. The story is not that good but it may be accepted. It could be introduced in another way, but the directory and graphics was done by amateurs. I didn't like it and not suggest it to any one. The roman series must contain lots of clothes, effects, graphics but this one is poor.
    saprater This show is like a low budget Prometheus with an even weaker script and characters who never stay in character. The development and switching of alliances needed more than 13 episodes to accomplish, with the end result being that you end up smacking your forehead at their stupidity or sit there, mouth agape, at new and contradictory revelations about themselves, their abilities, their motivations, and even their behavior.I don't want to get into the plot elements too much. That you can google and get the gist of. But it starts off sort of Xena-ish and then turns into this odd sort of mystery question and the morphs into something far darker...until finally it pretty much kills any and all redeeming qualities that had you watching in the first place. What fun. I am not calling for its cancellation as it being on air has no affect on me. However, I will not be tuning in to season 2.
    nanstamps Olympus was entertaining considering my husband and I were in desperate need of a binge watch.The CGI was pretty sad. Just think of it as watching puppet theater. The green screen shadow continuity person wasn't very consistent in the placement of where the sun was coming from.Olympus as a show has to be watched to the end to be understood. Do not think about what you know about Greek Gods, it will frustrate you. Try not to take it too seriously.It becomes it's own mythology based on existing mythological characters.
    Harlan Williams There has been a good bit of criticism regarding the production budget of this series. I don't have the numbers right at hand, but clearly the great majority--if not all--of the shooting is done on a sound stage. This saves money, of course, but I think there is more to it. The world of Olympus is set in ancient Greece; but it is a world in which the gods are real, and supernatural powers are part of ordinary existence. I think that the oddly-crafted set pieces are deliberately intended to evoke a world that is similar to our own, but not quite ours. Perhaps this world is a psychological state of mind; the series synopsis tells us that the gods will eventually be consigned to the world of the unconscious, what they call the Underworld, or Hades. When this happens, the entire world will change...is this not perception? Watching this series brings to mind the German Expressionist movement in film. They both share the use of stylized set pieces, and the plots and stories of both often deal with madness, hallucination, and betrayal. And let's not forget that film noir arose out of expressionism; the eerie, atmospheric lighting, somewhat hapless protagonist, and the irrepressible femme fatale elements of noir can be readily by seen in Olympus. If you examine this series through that lens I think you will gain a better appreciation of it.UPDATE: It is Aug 26 2015, and I wrote the above approximately a week before. I had not viewed the entire series by then, but I have now. If you have already made up your mind about this series, and decided that you hate it, nothing I say here will effect your opinion. But if you like the series, or are still undecided, I encourage you--nay, I entreat you--to watch it to the end. The final three episodes are spell-binding, and the season (perhaps series) conclusion is quite surprising and satisfying. This series has cemented its position on my short list of best series ever. It went by so fast I could hardly believe it was over. You owe it to yourself to give this show a chance.