None of the Above
None of the Above
TV-PG | 10 June 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    alemos If you have never seen the Mythbusters, this show will be interesting to you. The experiments shown are in great part experiments and myths shown in the Mythbusters show. But what takes half an episode there, takes a few minutes on this show.It is mildly entertaining, if you have nothing better to watch or if you have never seen the Mythbusters. I do give the host a little credit for helping extend the legacy of taking science to the common man.In this show, the British host takes the experiments to the streets where he seems to recruit volunteers to witness his science experiments. After he demonstrates the results, he shows why and how it happens with the help of graphics and his own voice over narration.
    Isaiah Coleman The questions that are supposed to be original aren't at all. For example, in S2:E1 they start off the show with a hot dog eating competition asking why a competitive eater can eat more than the average person, even though it's basic knowledge that stomachs stretch and shrink the more/less you use them like a muscle. Other than that, the host was pretty average but all of the results were extremely predictable. My niece guessed all of the answers correctly. If you're smarter than a fifth grader (I hope you appreciate the reference) this show isn't nearly able to stimulate your mind. I tried watching a few episodes without judging too quickly but it's not worth the time. My niece did appear to somewhat enjoy it.Not a lot of fun to watch, got bored quickly.
    hayridehottie This show is FUN. The host, Tim Shaw, somehow comes up with some crazy (and often destructive) ways to quiz his audience on scientific principles. What is more effective at stopping a bullet--a brick wall, a hay bale, a steel plate or a fish tank full of water? If a basketball is launched straight up from a vehicle traveling 20 MPH, where will the ball land? What shape of plastic explosive is the most effective for blowing the door off a hotel room safe? I recently purchased the entire first season on DVD. Apparently National Geographic is no longer showing the episodes. If they are, I am not finding them. Looking forward to next season!