Nick Swardson's Pretend Time
Nick Swardson's Pretend Time
TV-14 | 12 October 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Crazy_Gibberish Well, it's Happy Madison. And as much as their legion of fans would like to protest, their work was never headed for 10/10 territory. That being said, Pretend Time is better than it has any right to be mostly thanks to Swardson's innate charm. The vast majority of his sketches are lazy and one-note but there are a few gems like the painting with creepy eyes that goes blind and Swardson can often carry the weaker ones by virtue of being a big affable goof.It's extremely rough around the edges and could use a system of links ala Monty Python to give the show a more natural flow. His current "the last sketch airs on a TV screen in the background of the next sketch" device only adds to the suspicion he's half-assing it. All in all though I'm looking forward to seeing if Nick can step up his game in season 2. It definitely deserves a chance.
    Zachary Grant Arnold I've come to find that all GOOD shows don't get their due when they are aired and are then found to be groundbreaking years afterwords. Point in case, Family Guy. I'm sad to say this will be one of those shows that is AMAZING but will not get it's due until it's on netflix or something. I loved every episode and tuned in every week to see it. Keep on keepin' on Nick and this show is HILARIOUS! DONUTS MAKE US GO NUTS! and so many other instantly classic quotes that i fear won't be popular until way after the show is aired :( i love this show and wish and hope it doesn't get canceled or hasn't already been canceled. that would be yet another comedy central show they can before it gets it's chance. *sigh*
    peed23 I can explain this show only with one word: "hilarious"! And i must know it, because i am a snotspoon by my self.You like British humor, dark British humor. You like kind of puke and fart jokes. You love jokes below waistline.This show makes you laugh so hard you pee in your pants. But don't take it serious.Sry for my poor English, i know it is not the yellow of the egg. It's also my first review because after the first crack in the first episode i rolled on the floor laughing out lout and i think this show is worth a positive review.A German old saw: "If you have to go to the basement for laughing" this show is nothing for you, believe me.
    tomasetti I am one of those people that put on Comedy Central first every time I turn on my TV. I enjoy pretty much everything that's aired, with a few exceptions. This is one of them.The skits seem to be rough drafts for ideas that could be funny if properly written acted or directed, and that's being nice about it. Other skits seem to be rough drafts for ideas that could never be funny regardless. I do not consider myself above toilet humor, but this show seems to contain some sort of childish humor in every laugh.Skit shows are generally failures, Dave Chapelle had a really nice format with some sort of a standup performance, introducing us to the skits and giving us a backstory behind them sometimes either before or after. And the skits had a laugh track as a result, in the style of Saturday night live.The combination of no laugh track to tell us when to laugh, combined with the fact that it's really not that funny add up to an awkward viewing experience. As with anything else, it gets more awkward with more people watching.