Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
| 03 December 1977 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Manthast Absolutely amazing
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Lauren Esel Finally, a children's Christmas movie that has something for the adults, too. This darling movie has an awful plot and at first might seem dull, BUT the hidden sexual innuendos make the movie worth watching. For example, it is quoted that Nestor's *hmm hmm* was as sensitive as it was long. Nestor's *hmm hmm* are also described as always "dragging on the ground." C'mon. There's also a time when all the animals in the barn are sleeping, but "Nestor was too excited," and even though his mother tries to keep them down, Nestor's *hmm hmm* keep popping up. *raises eyebrows* You'll enjoy watching this with your children, and thinking of your own innuendos about Nestor's *hmm hmm*. P.S. completely unrelated to this review, but my favorite part in the movie is when the roman soldiers pay the farmer with real US nickels, which are huge in the animation.
    evanston_dad Does anyone still submit his children to this? I spent 22 of the most agonizing minutes of my life watching this feel-bad puppetoon made for T.V. movie. In this charmer, Nestor is mercilessly ridiculed by everyone because of his long ears, is nearly kidnapped by Roman soldiers who are stealing donkeys for use by the Empire and runs away with the help of his mom, only to watch her freeze to death during a snowstorm. Merry freakin' Christmas. Only watch this if you think that giving the Virgin Mary a ride into Bethlehem is gift enough to make up for a miserable, wretched existence. Cynic that I am, I didn't buy it.Grade: C-
    lostidols It amazes me that even long after I gave up my Christian beliefs, this little Christmas story tugs at my heart strings so much. I guess it is because the desire for acceptance by ones peers, the sacrifice of a parent for a child, and self-sacrifice are eternal truths. All of which far exceed the fantasy of cherubs, angels, and Santa Clause. Some people may get caught up in the low tech animation (Tilly's wires always manage to show themselves). I also get a kick out of the lame expressions on Olaf's dog's face. This is a must see for all children. All of us think we were dealt a hard lot in life. This movie teaches children that their perceived weakness can be a real strengths. I always loved the Rudolph story, but this one hits me far harder. I highly recommend it.
    ann_outsider For those of you who have never seen this show, please try to find it on DVD. I bought my favorite Rankin/Bass Christmas shows on DVD this year. I was very pleasantly surprised to find this favorite from my childhood on the same DVD as "A Year Without a Santa Claus" (another real fave of mine).Sure, there are some sappy moments in Nestor, but the story is very touching and heart-warming. I wish there were more Christmas shows on television brave enough to acknowledge the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ as the reason for the season.And a short response to another poster about the blizzards in Rome... the beginning of the story sets it in Europe during the Roman rule and occupation... the cherub then guides Nestor over a long period of time to a stable closer to Bethlehem. As a child I never picked up on Nestor having to wait for a while to go to Bethlehem, but seeing it as an adult it touched me that we all at times have to wait for our opportunity to serve in some way and it might not come when we want it to, but when our Father does. But I digress.... a great Christmas treat!