My Fair Brady
My Fair Brady
TV-14 | 11 September 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    chibirubygurl I loved Adrianne Curry before this show. I thought she was great on Top Model and was really glad when she won. I also liked Chris Knight, he seems like a great guy. But this show just made me SICK! I'm so angry at both of them for what happened on that show. I don't care that they were different ages, I know age can't stand between love. But Adrianne, you had been together for ONLY SEVEN MONTHS. It didn't surprise me at all that he hadn't proposed. And I don't see the appeal of forcing someone to marry you before they're ready. If it's meant to be, then why not just ENJOY each other's company and love each other, and let it come naturally? Turning a wedding ring into a ball and chain was completely unnecessary, it's stupidly obvious that Chris loves you, with or without a ring. And Chris, shame on you for breaking down and proposing to her anyway! You've been through two failed marriages, how could you rush into another one just because she pitched a fit? I hope the relationship lasts, but I really feel that the marriage was rushed and for all the wrong reasons. Maybe now they can take a breath and find the right reasons to be married from within the marriage.
    bjwasilko To my shame I must admit I have watched a few episodes of My Fair Brady. I'm not one to watch mindless television buy I was a fan of the Brady Bunch and Chris Knight was always my secret crush. What astonishes me the most is not that a 22 year-old manipulative brat weaseled her way into his bed but that he is so weak that he fell for her act hook, line and sinker. I mean "come on" he's 47 and already married twice hasn't he learned anything about women? Yeah, granted she has a 22 year-old body but there is nothing else going on upstairs. Her whining hurts my ears. I don't have to be psychic Sylvia Brown to make a sure bet that this is a train wreck waiting for the next season. The only reality this show has is that a manipulative gold digging no talent can find and hook a weak, sappy moron suffering from male menopause. Chris is no longer on my childhood crush list. I will not be watching next season.
    em7865 I thought My Fair Brady was GREAT... I actually was hoping that they would do another season of it. It was the perfect relationship that no one wanted to see. That is why there are more bad comments. But I like the way they didn't care about there age or the camera, and they were real. So what they farted, and burped.. but i thought that is was made it great. My husband is 23 years older than me, so i'am happy for them, and hope it all works out. You can't help who you fall in love with. Adrianne is so great, i love watching her, and what she is going to do next. I guess their relationship reminds me of me and my husband. I'am the crazy young one, bring him out of his shell. I hope that this show airs again in the future. It was so rebel, and real.
    jamie19657372 I like the show and seeing Chris Knight again. It's more about seeing the 'drama' between the two of them unfold that keeps me watching. I can relate to The Brady Bunch growing up in the 60's-70's myself. Adrianne needs to move out. She's immature, irresponsible, and has little class/manners about her (burping, telling anyone/everyone their personal business). She's more than half his age and I think they have very little in common other than the physical attraction. She may be nice/funny and pretty, but get real the two of them are in different places in life. He needs a mature, responsible, classy lady on his arm. Not a "girl" who could be his daughter or kid sister.