My Dad the Rock Star
My Dad the Rock Star
| 01 September 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    MePlusPopcornEqualsHappy This has actually got to be in my top five fave cartoons. (Along with Rayman The Animated Series, Invader Zim and Time Warp Trio) It's just pure orsumness. The main character, Will, is far more developed than a lot of main characters. he isn't perfect, and he's also not "not perfect" in a stereotypical, Hannah Montanna sort of way.Also, Allyssa. She has a personality, which is rare among love interests, particularly cus most time, love interests are love interests and that's it.I just find it awesome how well scripted this show is. The only thing I don't like is Angela D'Angelo. Honestly, did a giddy twelve year old create her? She has all the qualitys of a Mary Sue and quite frankly, the show would be a lot better if Angela D'Angelo hadn't been an episode...or at least, if AD hadn't been as freaking PERFECT.Domi signing off.
    Korn_Tigress386 The first time I saw a preview of the cartoon, I was skeptical of it and thought it wouldn't be so interesting. But once I saw the first couple of episodes, I absolutely loved it and now I watch it every chance I get. It's just so funny and entertaining and you really can't miss that Rock Zilla takes after Gene Simmons. My favorite of the human characters is Rock Zilla, and of the animals, Mosh the pet lizard (or is he a giant iguana?). Well, I enjoy the cartoon and really look forward to future episodes as well as what wacky messes Rock Zilla will get into. I admire all the characters really, but Rock and Mosh are the best. I have to say that Rock's mother is also great. She's a sweet grandma on the outside, but a rocker woman on the inside!
    jakoby74747474 I love this show i just finished watching it and it is unreal. I agree i am a huge kiss fan and you can see the resemblance of Gene Simmons in Rock Zilla. MY favorite character is Rock Zilla. I totally think this is one of the best cartoons besides the simpsons and family guy. This show totally relates to kids now a days how they think there parents arn't cool and are dorky and everything so i think it is kind of funny to watch. I also think there loser neighbor Mr.kant or something like that is a total whack job. But his voice is kind of funny he sounds like my 90 year old grandpa. HE IS SUPER DUPPER EXTREMELY WEIRD AND UP TIGHT SO STAND BACK!!
    Europe86 I must admit, I didn't like it too much when I saw the first episode, but since then it grew on me. Another reason I wanted to watch it is because it is created by Gene Simmons and I am a big KISS fan. This cartoon shows the generation difference, how young kids think their parents are not cool. I love this show and my favourite character is Rock Zilla. It doesn't take Einstein to see the the similarity between Rock Zilla and Gene Simmons. I mean the hair, the tongue and the make up!
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