More Tales of the City
More Tales of the City
TV-MA | 07 June 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    pslust Considering the surprises that occur within this sequel, I would highly suggest that followers of "life" in San Francisco watch this sequel. Truly, I enjoyed said sequel, especially with regard to the reveals, with the amount of skin that is shown, and with character development. For me the story line, the story arcs, and the like made sense. Not sure what else I can say without giving away plot points; can state the photography is special, the editing was without flaw, and that the color is outstanding. As I stated at the beginning, there are a number of surprises throughout the eight episodes, and each surprise surpasses the previous one. Thoroughly due to the surprises, the story line of living in a special part of San Francisco, and the relationships that develop and change, this is one fine sequel.
    AunteeE I saw this on LOGO and out of order, but it was so suspenseful and fun that I am now addicted. I am now watching the 1st part, and though this one has recasts in a few roles, they're great recasts.It's fun to know that this is available to watch, and that you can go backwards and forwards to the 2 other miniseries if you get confused. See Further Tales of the City and the 1st part of Tales from the City if you enjoy this.The stories encompass all walks of life. There are gay/straight rich/poor and so many enriching story lines that there is something for everyone. I'd love to see these characters revisited beyond the 3rd installment!
    domino1003 "More Tales Of The City" is actually better than the original. PBS caved into pressure and decided not to follow up the series, which gave Showtime the go-ahead to continue the series. Set months after the original, Mary Ann Singleton (Laura Linney)is more relaxed and receives a letter from her late boss, which contains money. She decides to invite Mouse (Paul Hopkins)on a cruise. On the cruise, Mary Ann falls in love with Burke Andrew (Craig Ferguson), who has amnesia, and Mouse reunites with Dr. Fielding (Bill Campbell).Meanwhile, her new boss Beauchamp (Thomas Gibson)is increasingly angry at his wife DeDe (Barbara Garrick), who is pregnant with another man's child (Who is also Asian), and decides to hire some thugs to "get rid of her problem." DeDe meanwhile becomes friends with D'orothea (Francoise Robertson), who has broken up with Mona Ramsey (Nina Siemaszko), who ends up in a whorehouse in Nevada with Mother Mucca (Jackie Burroughs), who is not only connected to Mona, but also connected to Mrs. Anna Madrigal (Olympia Dukakis). Meanwhile, Brian Hawkins (Whip Hubley) is intrigued by a mysterious woman that he sees through a window. Finally, Mona's mother, Betty (Swoosie Kurtz) comes to town, setting up an interesting confrontation between her and Anna.There are more twists in this series than the previous one. There's a cannibalistic cult, an unexpected demise, and liberation for one of the inhabitants of San Francisco. However, this is a wonderful addition to the series.
    Edouard Baissier Mesert Armistad Maupin's Tales of the City and More Tales of the City are landmarks in Gay liturature. They are not for Homophobes, they are not for bigots, they are for the friends of the GLBT Community. If you don't like Gay people, don't watch these movies. Don't watch Queer as Folk, and don't watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.I don't watch Mormon stories. I don't watch Southern Baptist stories. I will not tell anyone to watch something that offends them. Watch what you feel comfortable with. This is big wide wonderful world full of lots of different people. We're fabulous! We're here we're Queer
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