| 24 April 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    da_skitz I used to watch MMC when I was about six to seven years old and I loved it! Considering the time it was set in (the late eighties and early nineties) it was representative of all the teen/child oriented shows, but it was much more entertaining than others I could name (such as Kids Incorporated, which used to air just before). A lot of people roll their eyes at me when I stress that it was a good show, but it really was. And the good thing is, I do not recall seeing Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake once. EVER. They weren't the stars, because there were other, older, more talented kids doing their thing in the spotlight (including Keri Russell, Tony Lucca, and yes, JC Chasez). Great show, even if today it would look a little dated.
    faerie_tales08 I really did like this show now that I think about. Sometimes I wish they would play reruns of it. Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake were so cute! Britney and Christina were still friends! It was a really funny and cute show to me. I saw it as a marathon when NSYNC was famous and so it was cute to see Justing Timberlake and JC acting and stuff. But my I really liked Ryan Gosling. Still do, of course. The random skits make you laugh ... the music videos sort of strange ... and Britney Spears singing ... um ... yeah. The skits were great. I love the one drama I forgot what it was called ... liked "Emerald Cove" or whatever. That was hilarious, I think it was supposed to be dramatic, but you end up laughing anyways. But my favorite still is, and always will be by Ryan Gosling, "Aren't you just sick and tired of the word bogus?"
    jezabee Do you remember any of the other cute kids on that show besides all the famous ones? Matt Morris was such a hotty and I can't find any info. on him past 1993. Brandy Brown was in the very first episodes and she was way talented, but she just dropped off the face of the earth! And what ever happened to "The Party?" They were so cool! If anyone has any info. on any of this, please let me know! We should start a petition or something to the Disney Channel to get them to broadcast MMC again, don't ya think? Maybe we could get them to air Kids Inc. too. It was way cool. It's worth a try... Let me know!
    JinnyGirl21 There's no other word for it. MMC(Mickey Mouse Club) was the best show around! Some may disagree, but I was at the age where I loved the show, even now at the age of 19, I watch my old tapes of the show. And now that there's people from the show who are famous again just goes to show that they really are talents. If only there was a show out there for kids like MMC was there when I would younger.