Master Eder and his Pumuckl
Master Eder and his Pumuckl
NR | 24 September 1982 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    merlin_petrus A TV series for the whole family. An evergreen. Good play, good starring, good view. I missing this art of series in our time today. Looking this and your heart will be happy.
    Superunknovvn Ellis Kaut's "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" is the most charming kids series ever to grace German television. Pumuckl is a friendly little goblin who can only be seen by the carpenter Meister Eder, since the day that Eder accidentally pinned Pumuckl to a pot of glue. This made the Goblin visible and now the couple live under the same roof. Gustl Bayrhammer's performance as Meister Eder and the brilliant voice-over by Hans Clarin for Pumuckl make the interaction between the real life carpenter and the animated goblin seem totally natural and very cute. In each episode the stubborn and sometimes cheeky Pumuckl learns a lesson in life and Meister Eder teaches him such values as tolerance, respect and honesty. Although the stories always have a moral, it never seems importunate or questionable. Meister Eder is the grandpa every kid wishes for and children can relate to the funny little goblin, while grown-ups can still smile at the adorable way these stories are told. This is absolute quality TV for your kids. I know I'll let mine watch it.
    Sandra Pumuckl has been entertaining me for 23 years now, and I still love him and his funny antics just as much as a mother of two as I did when I was a child myself. I can't wait until we are back in Europe so my own children can grow up watching him just as I did. Pumuckl is cartooned beautifully, and is as lovable, funny and entertaining a character as they come!He is amusing and entertaining not only for children of all ages, but also for adults. I have yet to see any Pumuckl episode or movie that did not tickle my funny bone.
    TAEMO Pumuckl is an outstanding TV show for children, funny, entertaining and well written. But it is not only for children, but also for grown ups. I am 20 years old and still watch Pumuckl when possible. Children will like Pumuckl's jokes and funny speech, grown ups will realize funny things that as a child one would not understand. For example Meister Eder having a beer with his buddies, talking as if it was a show made for a much older audience. And I am not saying they talk about sexual stuff, just things a child would not pay any attention to, whereas an adult will smile at every single line. Also very outstanding is the great amount of Bavarian actors and guest actors, for example Gustl Bayrhammer, Ernie Singerl, Toni Berger, Karl Obermayr and many others. Not to mention Hans Clarin as the voice of Pumuckl, who is (was) the only real voice talent in Germany, in my opinion. I doubt that this show and the radio dramas would have been the successes they were, if it had not been for him. One cannot describe Pumuckls voice, it is beyond any normal one. It neither sounds like a child, nor like an adult, it is neither male nor female, just weird and a bit shrill. There is no comparison to it, just like to this show. Watch it, it is more than worth it.