Marine Boy
Marine Boy
NR | 06 October 1966 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    lambiepie-2 My love for Marine Boy is only second to Astro-Boy and Speed Racer! This was another one of those imported Japanese Anime cartoons form the 60's I just was glued to and loved beyond belief. It was innocent, it was wonderful, it was fantasy. Kids today over 6 would probably run far away from this, and I think that's sad. For me, it had everything a kid could want, a boy who could stay underwater because of the gum that was invented, his friends...a dolphin and a mermaid. You'd think Disney would have done something like this, they didn't. Thank Goodness.Here's the neatest thing about Marine Boy that I think every parent should pay attention to. When they showed the series on the station I watched, they showed it in its original Japanese language with subtitles AND they showed it in English dubbed. I just happened to learn the sweet little catchy title song in its original Japanese, and then in English. Sang it around the house, all the time. Freaked my mother out. Cute huh?
    samson3 I was about 14 yrs old when I first saw Marine Boy.The theme music for the first episodes was kind of eerie, but they came out with a better theme.Marine Boy was a member of the Ocean Patrol. Bulton and Piper were his friends on the ship.He breathed underwater by chewing oxygum, an invention of Prof. Fumbles. I have seen every episode of this series. Although it was sometimes poorly drawn, it is interesting and very watchable.Some of the people who did the voices,are the same ones used on Kimba,The White Lion and Speed Racer.Maybe this series is on the cable network now,I really dont know. But,I would like to see some of the episodes again.They bring back such memories.
    tueart Marine Boy had 2 friends - Splasher (the dolphin) and Crystal (a mermaid). Her name doesn't appear on the speaking credits because she couldn't speak, a trait she shares with her puppet counterpart from Stingray 'Marina'.The 'Magic chewing gum' which enabled Marine Boy to breathe underwater was 'Oxygum'. And Bulton (the pilot of the sub) had a little catchphrase "Pipe down Piper", which he uttered when Piper got into a bit of a panic - as he often did.A thoroughly enjoyable series with a strange atmosphere due to the lack of incidental music used. A marvellously distinctive, bubbly sounding' theme tune though. Ahhh - how I miss this age of innocence.
    Des-19 Marine Boy, the TV series, was the first Manga to be shown on British television. Although it has to my knowledge never been repeated, unlike almost every other children's TV program from the sixties and seventies, its memory lives on. Marine Boy's ability to breathe underwater and swim like a fish were conferred on him by what seemed to be magic chewing gum. These abilities led to numerous aquiline adventures for Marine Boy and his friend "splasher" the dolphin. More than this it's hard to recall, except that at the time it offered a distinct and welcome alternative to Bugs Bunny, Hector's House and Bill and Ben.