Magnificent Century
Magnificent Century
| 06 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    dertsizis This is too fictional or incorrect. In 1520, Harem wasn't founded. Hurrem who found harem is forcibly in harem. Actually Hurrem lived old palace. In 1541 Old palace burned and move topkapı palace. Series don't tell for making poor Hurrem. So we never see Hurrem's power which founded harem or first women sultanate. If you want series about harem. You made an incorrect choice for Suleyman. He maybe only and one sultan with one partner in other sultans. Also he was always in war. He didn't live too in Istanbul. They wrote too fictional character. Actually Mahidevran, Gulfem aren't in palace. His first wife Mahidevran, then Hurrem. After Hurrem death, Gulfem. Series changes chronology. If you want series about harem. You should choose 3.murad. He has got 130 children. Safiye & her son 3.mehmet killed all boy.
    karen-loethen I am reviewing this series though I am only one third of the way through. Although the series is not exactly historically accurate, the reading and research I have done as I have watched the episodes shows that the basic story lines are quite true to life. I am amazed with how little history of the Ottoman Empire I learned before this. It is so interesting and colorful. I am finding it very educational to be seeing a drama told from the point of view of this Islamic leader of the Middle Ages, without Western slant and distortion. This might be only the second time I've seen a Turkish drama that displays so much history from the point of view of the Turks. As many other reviewers have said, the sets, costumes, and casting are all SPOT ON and very lush. I am loving it.
    Scholarly Reviews Aside from my addiction to and admiration for the series, I would like to give some extra information about the correlation between the series and the historical accounts, in deed. First of all, it is not reasonable to state that the series does not reflect the history in an accurate way. Really? I would like to ask these claimers that "which historical account(s) gives a true representation of any historical event?". Well, every historical account gives a sight of subjective perspective; the only objective one is "the chronicles" (only dates and clauses explaining the cases in a brief way). From this series, we cannot expect the bloody war scenes as its one episode is about 2 hours and what is really curious is the life of Sultans in the harem, their education and life styles because the "harem" of the Sultan is forbidden to any outsider for the time. The only confirmed account of harem is written in the autobiographical letters by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who could only visit a Pasha's harem, though. The fictional parts are also needed to seam the unknown lines of the history if we would like to watch a coherent account. The acting is really great! The maturation processes of all the characters are well given throughout the series. The music is really well composed and paid attention. The gestures and postures of the actors and actresses are just BEAUTIFUL, especially at critical points. Costumes! They are just true representations of the time's costumes and richness of the Ottoman State. Jewelry! Wow, yes I had already heard and searched for these precious things before I watched the series; but seeing them online is just invaluable! The setting is really a true representation of the time. The Topkapi Palace is still there in Istanbul for the ones who wonder. It has to be visited when one goes there. There are still odours that you can smell in the Harem part of the palace. It is explained that all the walls of the Harem was washed with "rose water" throughout centuries, and it left its smells there, really! All the rooms of the consorts, concubines, shahzades (princes), sultans and servants are there in their real forms as you can see in this series (btw, there are hundreds of rooms in deed!).The series provides a wonderful insight of the 16th century.
    Inaam Bella i am just falling in love with this show .... wonderful , terrific and interesting true story , from the history .... I had seen a plenty of shows. and movies , ... and noon one. , noon one could made me addicted on it ...., ! like this show did :) !! ! it' s really really special ,, totally exceptional ....! Evrething 's particular beautiful amazing and interesting : story, events , actors , clothing , art , music , ! Ooohh. my god the music !!!!! <3 What a wonderful music , what a hight taste and rich arts ! The most important , And worth mentioning, that you deduce a real precious life lessons from it... Well done and. great job which respect the taste and the intelligence of the audience
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