Loose Women
Loose Women
| 06 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    pokerking1066 Is this really what British women are like? It's scary the amount of crap that comes from the mouth of the presenters on the show.The guests are always boring and the presenters are so far inside their own bottoms that soon i think they may turn inside out !!!If anybody has anything good to say about this show, please post it and let other people know it as I only watch it occasionally. I know I am by no means in the target audience, which most probably comprises solely of middle aged women and homosexual males, however I don't believe anybody could enjoy this show. The only topics are diets for fat women (who get slagged off constantly, by the presenters) and other such drivel. It is consistently full of plug after plug for commercial and awful albums and TV show.ITV can surely create a better daytime talk show than this. What has happened to th world. I might kill myself if I ever watch this program again.
    ShadeGrenade I have a theory as to why 'Loose Women' exists. The Government have been making a lot of noise recently about how disabled people should be made to look for work. 'Loose' is obviously intended to get the 'slackers' out of their wheelchairs and into the Job Centres.It is so stupid and mind-numbingly boring as to defy description. Its a simple recipe: take four middle-aged has-beens ( one a failed soap actress, one an over-the-hill pop singer, one whose only claim to fame is that her husband ditched her as soon as he got famous, and one of whom I've never heard ), give them a glass of gin each, and put them on air. As one would expect, the main topic of conversation is sex. If none of these women were famous, odds are they'd be hard pressed to get any. Every time the word 'sex' is mentioned, the studio audience - mostly made up of hysterical grandmothers - goes into hyper drive. The guests consist mainly of thespians plugging their latest film/play/T.V. show.But the highlight of each show is a phone-in quiz which taxes the viewer's intellect with such difficult questions as 'In which street is 'Coronation Street' set?'.Kaye is bossy, Colleen bland, Sherrie ( when she's there ) is loud, as is Denise, and Carol can't utter a sentence without blaming The Government for something or other. They tried Lesley Garrett on the show, without much success. She was too much of a lady to fit in with this dreary bunch. One final thought: we live in an age of so-called 'sexual equality', so why isn't there a show called 'Loose Men'?
    Craig Hamrick I'm very surprised to read the only comments posted about this show are quite negative. I guess I'm not the typical target audience of the show: I'm a male New Yorker in my late 30s. I spent part of the summer of '04 in Ireland, and I really enjoyed getting a chance to sample the local programming, and this show was actually one of my favorites. It's sort of the British version of our "The View," which I don't particularly like. (On "The View," the ladies are constantly trying to outshout each other; they fawn over some guests like giddy high school girls; and last year Star Jones went so overboard talking about her upcoming wedding you'd think she was the first person to ever get married.)BUT, we're talking about "Loose Women" here, and I found it to be almost completely opposite of "The View." The main host kept things on track and helped the panel stay focused. She and her cohosts were witty, opinionated, and intelligent (mostly -- a slightly ditsy blonde showed up for a few of the episodes I caught). Even though a lot of the current events they were talking about were unfamiliar to me, they put an interesting spin on it all -- so it felt a little bit like eavesdropping on a smart group of ladies sitting at the next table in a foreign restaurant. While the women did talk a bit about their personal lives, Ms. Jones and company could learn something about how to keep that in perspective. The format of the show (looking more "newsy" than not, with the ladies sitting at a traditional-style news desk, rather than in a faux living room) lends itself more to keeping things semi-professional. Overall, I felt like I got an interesting glimpse at how a specific group of women felt about their lives, national current events, and the culture they live in. Maybe if I'd been watching for longer than a month, I would have gotten tired of it, but as it was I didn't, and I plan to tune in again next time I'm able. I wish an American cable system would pick this up -- or at least that highlights could be presented on DVD here. (Oxygen or Lifetime would get a much- needed does of international flavor -- replacing just an hour or two of exploitive content, like "Bliss" with this.)
    thatGURLx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......Whenever I'm off school ill I have to put up with this crap, basically just a load of old fogies talking about the news and how nice the weather is occasionally they may have a d-list celebrity on it's never funny or interesting for that matter.. it's nothing to write home about maybe it's just my age group but my dad agree's with me aswell poor him.. having to watch it everyday cos of my mom! I don't know how this got turned into a TV show I think ITV were desperate I'd rather see repeat's of coronation street then this I advise ya only to watch it if you wanna go to sleep