Lights Out
Lights Out
TV-MA | 11 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micransix Crappy film
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    flickhound12 I was told about this show by my cousin. It sounded good but my oh my I didn't expect it to be this good. You most likely already know the premise of the show so I won't spend time on that for now. But the writing is superb. Holt McCallany as the main character Patrick "Lights" Leary is a fine performance.The beauty of this show is that it doesn't just focus on the boxing but on the boxer's personal life and the ins and outs of the murky world of professional boxing.The makers of this show must have researched well since it feels like the real deal.The scripting is excellent and unpredictable yet always believable.My only one gripe with the show is that the boxers don't really look big enough to be heavyweights, they look more like middleweights.I only sat down to watch one or two episodes but finished the entire season off in two nights after work, compelling stuff.Looking forward to season two.
    unclefrito-31-79716 All of those that "loved this show" please list your top 10 other favorite shows so I will know what to avoid in the future. In my opinion you would have to deprived of all other options when it comes to TV shows in order to possibly think that this was in any way a good one. You guys probably also love all of the Law and Orders, CSIs, Bones, and NCIS. Well I personally would gladly lock myself in a room and watch every episode of According To Jim before I would waste my time on Lights Out again.Lights Out was one of the most predictable and cliché pieces of crap I have ever watched. I committed to watching the entire season because I was convinced that something would happen to make it all worth it but when it culminated into one of the most ridiculously hollow season finales I have ever seen it only confirmed my first impression of this show. It was awful! Good riddance Lights Out.
    James Hillier Just read the news that this show has been canned....I'm disappointed but not surprised.The writers had an excellent premise to work with but unfortunately blew it...big time!! The actors are fine (especially Holt McCallany) and the plot is rich with potential. So what went wrong? The characters that make up the 'Leary' family are so unsympathetic, especially brother Johnny who is supposed to add a 'bad boy' element but just comes off as totally annoying. Added into the mix are the wife who spends most of the time pouting over her husband's projected return to the ring, a domineering father who just won't let go and an interfering sister. The entire clan come across as a bunch of selfish parasites sucking the life blood out of poor old Patrick.As if the writers realised the error of their ways, about half way through the series they introduce a new influence in Patrick's life; a new trainer who recognises the Leary family for what they are and tries desperately to extricate them from Patrick's boxing affairs....he partially succeeds too. At this time I thought things were really looking up...then, inexplicably, the new trainer is written out of the plot and we go back to the same old same old.It's a shame; 'Lights Out' had all the ingredients for a potential hit only to be ruined by totally inept scripting.
    hands4health2 I was so excited to watch after seeing the previews on TV...and I am glad I did. I thought the show was/is great and the characters are as well. This has to be the best that Holt has ever done. It gives him so much range and emotion. I love this character because of him. They have finally written a part for him that allows him to shine....and he absolutely does in this. I am watching every episode and can't wait until the next one comes. I think FX has done an amazing job with this one. I hope they listen to me and I am not alone out there. For once a show feels real. The characters make you want to watch. I want to see this run for years!!!
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