Kitchen Confidential
Kitchen Confidential
| 19 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    paint9698 I was expecting a lot from this show-bought the all episode DVD and found a very tame show that seemed to be very at odds with Jack Bourdain's sardonic, eccentric way over the top exploits. The best that can be said is that it's mildly amusing but never really taps into Bourdain's seemingly raucous energy-professional and otherwise.A big part of the problem is the casting. Bradley Cooper is a fine actor and good in the central role. But his go to men-Owain Yeoman, Nicholas Brendan and John Cho, are not up to scratch-trying too hard and just not that funny. Only Jim Francis Daley, Bonnie Somerville and Sam Pancake (as a gay waiter) provide any spark-unfortunately they are not used nearly enough. Idea was good, not the execution.
    gussy1125 I rented it from Netflix because of John Francis Daly (I loved Freaks & Greeks) and I was amazingly surprised by how much I liked the show and spent the first several episodes laughing and wondering how I missed it when it was on T.V. Every episode on the first disc of the DVD set just got funnier and funnier. Bradley Cooper's character is so different from the character he played on Alias, it was refreshing. John Francis Daly is all grown up from his Freaks & Geeks days but is still able to nail the comic timing with the delivery of his lines.Although, Nicholas Brendan has gained some weight since his Xander days on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he is even funnier as the peacemaking pastry chef of the chic New York Nolita restaurant. The whole show is apparently based on a book...that I will now have to read.
    geia_25 "Kitchen Confidential" has to be one of the funniest series I have seen in a long time. Very well-acted and each character is fantastic. The chemistry between all the characters is magic...Another plus was that it didn't have that ridiculously annoying laugh-track, which I hate (asif we are too stupid to know when we should laugh!!) I cannot believe that this was pulled of after airing 4 episodes - I would've thought that it could easily have material for that many seasons! Having taken the complete series from the DVD store (which was highly recommended btw), I started watching and then saw all the episodes straight through! Really good.
    offcenter I like the actor they chose to play Bourdain, really I do, but Anthony Bourdain he is not. And that is what is wrong with this series. I read the book and was really excited to rent the series, but I should have known better. Someone in TV land decided that Anthony Bourdain is too abrasive, in your face and rude, so the show "softens" Tony and loses all the spirit. Yes, the real Anthony Bourdain is in your face and abrasive and is very much about How Things Really Are. That is the spirit in which Kitchen Confidential (the book) was written. So honest, in fact, that when she gets OLDER, I am going to make my 12-year-old aspiring Chef read it before she decides in fact to spend oodles of money on Culinary school. It is that very in your face honestt that is missing. Tony is nothing more than an alcoholic, excuse me, reformed-alcoholic boy scout. Yawn. Meanwhile the _real_ Anthony Bourdain has a hit show on the Travel Network doing what he does best, telling it like it is.