Killing Fields
Killing Fields
| 05 January 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    julescaroline I have a bit of a mixed review here. On the one hand, I appreciate the character development of the lead investigators. However, as a southern lady, it's a tad offensive that the southern dialect is used in a manner that makes us appear drunken or uneducated. I can appreciate the beautiful imagery, however, putting an entire show in slow motion in an attempt to drag 15 minutes of contents into a 60 minute show is ludicrous. It's way to obvious, again I can appreciate the attempt at dramatic cinematography, but you could literally watch an entire episode in 5 minutes. Why not shoot footage from solved cases? I just watched an entire episode of the investigators dragging a river and dramatically pull out...wait for it...a hubcap. Come on Discovery, you're better than this. You have actual investigators, which works way better than the actors that are terrible...give them something to run with already.
    Joe S I have been watching this show from the beginning of the first season. It definitely keeps me interested and each episode and seems like it's 10 minitues long. Detectives Sanchez and. St. Angelo are great at what they do and work very well together. I definitely hope the episodes and seasons continue.
    CharlotteSometimez Rodie and Aubrey make a great team. Rodies passion and commitment to the victims and their families adds to this great show. As a viewer, he makes me care and want justice for the victims and families. The real time aspect of this show keeps it interesting. I cant wait for the next episode to see if they will finally be able to get enough evidence on Tommy Francise or Eugenie's ex husband.
    jd_consult1 The name "Killing Fields" is a misnomer. It should be renamed "Killing Ratings". Louisiana once again is in the cross hairs of reality TV producers. Not for alligators or cat fish hunting. This time the producers are looking to repackage small production budgets and amateur local talent into a cheap version of "Cold Case". They fail miserably. The show is rife with dramatic slow mo shots of a rogue's gallery of washed up ex-cops engaging in irrelevant activities: Wiping brows while in deep thought, swigging booze, eating crawdads, jogging in thrift store tennis shoes. Not much time seems to be spent investigating and the dramatic film noirish shots aren't enough to save this tedious shipwreck of a reality TV show.