Kid Notorious
Kid Notorious
| 22 October 2003 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    ka_zenrei Kid Notorious is a tribute to a great man who has had many unfair trials in his life, but has always come out on top. Robert Evans is an extraordinary man. Kid Notorious gives us a rarely seen insight into the "glamour" of Hollywood life. The fact that Robert Evans still has a sense of humor and can laugh at himself after all he has been through is an admirable thing. Hilarious, often cutting edge, never boring, this show is one of a kind, and a must see.
    potblackettle I'm so happy. Finally, a clever, absurdist, evil piece of animation to rival South Park. Kid Notorious is mean and observant. Evans mocks himself with a light heart. From his big, no-nonsense maid Tally, to his yes-man butler English the show is filled with lovable characters. Can I just say that Slash being the voice of reason is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's not a show for people who don't like dark comedy. My personal favorite is Puss, the Kid's kitty-cat, who also holds his stash and advices him with mewls and miaows. It's definitly a show for people who are "into" Hollywood and it's wicked ways. Anyway, have fun and tell Puss hello.
    markalanj I belive that this is a damn good show. Sure I like South Park and Crank Yankers but its about time Comedy Central aired a show for us who don't drool all over ourselves. I am really looking forward for more episodes. Keep them comming.
    stughoot This show is brilliant! I just saw the third episode, and the subtle dexterity of the comedy was remarkable. The laugh out loud jokes are just icing on the cake; this show has a lot of depth to it. I'm guessing this will probably be the "love it or hate it" show of the season.
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