Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will
Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will
| 22 July 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Jeremy King If could be a Kenny Hotz fan, or be a person interested in obscure news and stories and this hits on ALL LEVELS. From a trip and history lesson in France and over coming personal obstacles, to being dropped nude in the middle of the desert and finding your way out, to The dissection of why pork is so addictive and of course, eating human body parts. I think that Mr. Hotz is an absolute comedic genius. From Kenny vs Spenny, Testees and Triumph of the will among many movie projects, He is never afraid to push the limit and is always looking to deliver, and never fails! We need more people like him, hard working and determined. More Kenny Hotz projects please!
    mcmonkey4 Kenny Hotz's new TV show is outstanding. I couldn't have imagined it would be that excelling, with every episode better then the next but at the same time each episode being unique. I must put up my hand up and say that i am a fan of Kenny vs Spenny, but now i am a greater fan of Triumph of the Will.Triumph of the Will shows a more "grown up" Kenny, Not only has he got grey hair now but he has shifted his intellect and cunning from picking on Spenny and targeted it on to the world and it's problems.Throughout the series Kenny shows that humans can do incredible things, like showing you if you are down on luck to sit near people that have worse luck and that his mum is very dear to his heart.Overall i gave this show a 11 out of 10 the i removed a point off for making it soo hard to watch in Australia... can't even buy it on iTunes (in Australia) or watch it on the site (in Australia) and many people don't have paid TV in wait for it....Australia.Kenny if you read this review come to Australia mate and i'll chuck a shrimp on the barbie for you or pork if you still do eat pig.
    mgwilson Its new its fresh its different I have watched the first 4 episodes and been stunned in shock and enthralled with laughter it makes you laugh it makes you cry and everything in between. The fact that it is so different means you are automatically intrigued. When people who follow this sort of media hear the name Kenny Hotz they think kenny vs spenny but this is kenny vs kenny and kenny vs the world with the added humour we saw in kenny vs spenny. I look forward to the rest of the episodes and for kenny's future projects his solo career is just beginning sit back and enjoy the ride its just beginning i think that i can say for all fans of kenny WE LOVE THIS KENNY!
    JackTLovesJackD Having been a fan of Kenny versus Spenny (KvS) for many years, I always wondered what they were going to do once the show wrapped. For me Kenny had always been the star of KvS and so the bar was set pretty high for the first of Kenny Hotz's solo projects, the series Testees. It wasn't as brilliant as I wanted it to be, but then again it was a totally different show to KvS with relatively unknown actors. The thing that always struck me about Kenny Hotz was that in KvS he came across as effortlessly hilarious, brilliantly puerile and someone who to quote Dead Poets Society (why not) would be in a high school year book... "The person most likely to do anything". Triumph of The Will is Kenny Hotz's new show, it recently aired and having watched the first four episodes I can proudly say that this is a brilliant new show, and a great idea. It's executed perfectly, beautifully shot, it's hilarious, it's daring, it doesn't care if you're offended or not and it's above all a show for adults and doesn't treat you like a child that needs to be spoon fed easily digestible television. In short it's the show I always wanted Kenny Hotz to do after Kenny versus Spenny. It's clever and original. Original ideas are sadly a rarity these days, it's wonderfully refreshing to have such a great new show to look forward to watching. Check it out!