Just the Ten of Us
Just the Ten of Us
| 26 April 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Dotbankey A lot of fun.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    hddu10-819-37458 I'm one of the many previous posters that was never a fan of "Growing Pains". This show's back-bone was the "hot" range of female actresses, playing on their "coming of age" (they conveniently managed to fit in every stereotype to meet the "preference" of nearly every heterosexual, white middle-class kid in High School). Yet, for some reason, "Just the 10 of Us" also seemed to capture the spirit of the age (late 80's humor, kitsch, and even social problems if you dig deep enough). The show was canceled without warning, although we kind of felt it coming as the character expositions were getting very deep; too deep to keep a shallow ADD audience. An example was when the Heather Langenkamp character was going into a convent-- her supposed lifelong ambition, which then progresses to a realization by both her and her mother that this was not really the case. Not saying this show should ever be "re-made", but I think it is definitely an overlooked slice of Americana that should be given more credit and respect.
    johnpburkhardt First saw this show after slogging home from my 11-hr shift at the gas station working with illegals from India. Was drinking heavy at the time, which was my only solace in life, along with the occasional crack-binge.This show gave me some fantasy-type relief. I liked Marie the best because she was the oldest, too hot for regular TV, and on top of that she was sexually and morally conflicted. Must of been one hell of a date - a bomb ready to blow. I started watching the show for Cindy and Wendy, but by the time Marie took off her glasses and her pants in the singing episodes it was obvious that she was the slammin' one.The show was totally different from my life. It wholesome, fun and dumb and too good to be true, except for the silly-putz-fascist father and the overwhelmed-pious mother.After I quit drinking I became more comfortable in reality and my obsession with the show and Marie faded to a more healthy level. I don't know if I could stand watching the show again, maybe with the sound off.
    Fedaykin_Sadako I love this show... I only started watching because Heather Langenkamp was in it and I was (and am) a fan of hers from the Nightmare days, but then I realized that I truly enjoyed every episode.I miss the show a lot...it was the only funny thing on that insipid TGIF line-up and once it was gone, ABC couldn't find a replacement that would stay for longer than a season...should have tipped them off to not bow to Miller-Boyette.The humour was right on, if you were not too uptight to catch it or to laugh at yourself if you found it too close to home, and every episode was endearing and fun."Car in the Pool" is my favourite with "Highway to Heaven" coming in next, and "Heartbreaker" and "Radio Days"...*etc, etc, etc*
    StreetAngel I absolutely loved this show. My favorite characters were Wendy and Cindy. I wanted to be just like them(I was about 7 at the time) A couple months ago, I was serching thru a old box of mine and found a tape full of J.T.10.O.U on it. While I was watching it, I felt like a kid again. It is a little ridiculous, but thats what made the show so great. they didn't take themselfs to seriously, like most Sitcoms do today. It's a shame that this show went off the air. I loved the Lubbock Babes!