Judge John Deed
Judge John Deed
NR | 26 November 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    mmunier I am rather disappointed as the series unfolds. What started as something very special and believable, is turning into a total farce. When I say "what started" I mean when I started to watch it, I have no idea what episode it was, actually I did only watch one or two episodes at first, and much latter got involved more regularly with it. But the last episode I watched was a case against animal right protest people who seemed to have maliciously planted a bomb in some animal lab resulting in someone's death. The problem with accepting so many side stories with the case is that eventually the case seems secondary to the stories. And the whole show seems bogged in a lot of superficial gossip material that does very little to entertain me. Just try this for evaluation. A judge has in his court for a murder trial his inexperienced and not really qualified daughter left in charge of the defense, occasionally helped by HIS deserting mistress - and here we're supposed to be talking about a Conservative judge! This is rather worrying - are we going to end up with judge john Days-of-our-life? There is no doubt about Martin Shaw's charisma. He is very good. I imagine, with series, directors and writers have to stretch beyond themselves and their talent for the show to go on. What a pity!
    Maedhros35 Judge John Deed is a series about a High Court Judge, seen in both his private life (mostly: sleeping with the women he meets in court) and in his court life. The protagonist is nicely played by Martin Shaw, whose pronunciation of English is a wonder to behold, but most of the other characters are one-dimensional cardboard types.Even more, a court presided by a judge where his ex-wife, his daughter and his mistress plead, accompanied by sinister government schemes in every episode is wholly unrealistic, alas. The earlier seasons where a bit better in this review, but season five and six are horrible. Perhaps the writers ran out of stories.
    pawebster This series is unbelievably potty. What are the writers on? Judge JD is a lecher with his brains in ... well, let's just say, not in his head. He will jump in bed with virtually any attractive woman, even if she is a terrorist out to blow him to smithereens (yes, this really happens in one episode), and he completely disdains security measures intended to keep him alive. So, he's an idiot without the intelligence to hold down a job as a toilet attendant, right? But wait -- he is also our hero, the learned judge who sagely dispenses justice in each week's episode, all the while beating off the cardboard-cutout pantomime villains that the script pits against him, chief among them Sir Ian Rochester.Most pottily of all, the legal system is so short of barristers that one of them, Mrs Mills, appears in almost every case he ever presides over. She lets him kiss her, or more, then pushes him away again. The authorities sometimes challenge him on his blindingly obvious and unethical involvement with her, but he gets away with it every time. Week in, week out.In a sitcom, all this might be mildly amusing, but the show is supposedly a series of tense dramas with cutting-edge social and political commentary. Yeah, right.
    The Stoofer One of the most hilariously unrealistic shows ever made. Think Footballers' Wives for the judicial system. I am sure that the comments suggesting that this is realistic are being sarcastic.The reason that this show is so funny is that Martin Shaw (like most of the other actors) takes his role so seriously. The show is actually rather similar to Rumpole of the Bailey, with outrageous coincidences, unlikely plot lines, and a parody of the British establishment. What sets Judge John Deed apart is the earnestness of the actors. It is as though the writers of Blackadder have been teamed up with the cast of Elizabeth R: and no-one has told the writers that it was meant to be serious or the actors that it is a comedy.